You’ve heard about law of attraction so much that the word almost makes you roll your eyes.  The Secret?  Puuleeeeeeez!!!!  Manifesting?  Of COURSE it’s possible.  Of COURSE these laws are Truth.  Of COURSE it happens daily.  Of COURSE miracles are unfolding.  Of COURSE you can have what you want.  Everyone, that is, except….well….are YOU experiencing all that you believe is possible?

As I first started learning about the laws of the Universe about 10 years ago now, I instantly knew that there was so much truth in what was being spoken.  I immersed myself in books, teachers, videos….everything and anything that I could get my hot hands on.  I devoured the material, staying up all night trying to digest what I was learning.  I would light up and feel energy that I couldn’t deny.  The excitement of possibilities immediately shifted my perspective.

I started my list, my vision board, the practice of visualizing, meditating, affirming, praying….begging….wondering….waiting…..doubting…looking for evidence of this shit working in my life….but no.  Nothing.  Nothing lasting at least.  Actually, I had a short time where I accumulated a lot more stuff, but it vanished quickly and left me painfully with less than I started with.

What the fuck Universe?  I thought you had my back?  I thought you said I could manifest like a motherfucker?  I thought you said I could have anything I want!?  Where is my stuff???  I’ve read the books, I’ve done the steps, I’m looking high and low and all I see is a damn mess.

Hold the fucking phone.  **breaks screeching**

I know I’m not alone here.  I know that a HUGE portion of people who start to learn about their manifesting power and ability to live a life they only now dream about don’t actually ever see it to fruition.  That sucks.  It sucks even more because you know that it’s possible, you really believe and know that it is.  If you didn’t know and believe so deeply, it wouldn’t be so painful to not get it.  You could just write it off to “people like me don’t get rich.”  Or, “Well, I never went to college, so maybe I’ll have what I want in another life!”  Or, “God must not want me to be rich.”  Bullshit.  There is no person on this planet who the law of attraction doesn’t work for.  It works now and it works all the time.  If you aren’t getting what you want, it’s because you are out of alignment with these laws so you aren’t experiencing the magic that life has to offer.

So I’m here to tell you why that happens, and how YOU can be one of the few amazing superhumans who actually make this shit stick.

Before I go into the biggest blocks to getting what you desire, please do yourself a favor.  Don’t read over the words quickly and roll your eyes and say you already know this.  If you know it, but don’t apply it to you life, you don’t really know it.  When my world crumbled, I started looking for advanced techniques and crazy methods beyond the simple steps I already learned because I thought I needed something different.  I didn’t need anything different and neither do you.  You just need to do. the. fucking. work.  Don’t just read this blog post, get inspired, and then go back to thinking your life sucks.  Don’t read the book and then think to yourself it will be so nice when you have everything you want.  Don’t do it.  Apply what you learn to your life.  Watch you mind, listen to your thoughts.  And then no matter what, change.  You have to change your thoughts, feelings, vibration if you want to see the world around you change.  You can’t just “Hey, just this once let me tell you about this bitch that cut me off in traffic and then I’ll go back to being positive so that I can have what I want.”

You can’t just, “I know I should be happy but I can’t stand my fucking job and there’s no possible way I can be happy until I’m out of it so please Universe bring me a better job so that I can start thinking happy thoughts!”

You can’t just, “I feel so lonely and I want so bad to be with someone and I have so much to give!  I know I’m worth it God so where the hell is my man?!”

Apply what you know.  Everyone has shit going on to some degree.  That’s life.  Do the work anyway.

Once you start to really watch your thoughts and feelings, and even more important notice who you’re BEING, here are 2 blocks that stand in the way of any good-meaning manifestor.

  1.  You are worried about how things will show up
    Our human brain tries to figure things out as soon as we think of the desire as ours.  Remind yourself that “how” isn’t your job.  From your perspective, things may seem impossible.  So turn that over to the Universe and realize that there are a million different ways that it can happen and God knows all of them.  He also knows the absolute best way to bring it to you.
  2. You are not completely detached
    When you attach your happiness to the attainment of a desire, you hold yourself back from receiving joy in the present moment.  The only reason you want what you want is because you feel like once you have it you will feel happy, at ease, relaxed, abundant, or whatever the feeling is.  But it is the feeling that brings about the thing.  So make the decision that you are so excited about what you are manifesting AND you are just as happy right now in this moment.

These are by far the 2 biggest blocks that I see again and again.  Not only in the lives of others, but also myself.  If something I desire hasn’t manifested yet, I can most always link it back to one of both of these reasons.

So take an honest inventory of your blocks.  Let me know in the comments below, which one (or maybe both?) do you want to own?  Releasing how it’s going to happen?  Surrendering the outcome and being happy now?  Tell me!  And get to work on being happy now!  Is that really too much to ask?


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