My message isn’t always very popular.  Mostly people want that burst of inspiration that will light them up and make them all fuzzy and get them thinking all positively.  Which is great, and I love being inspired just as much as the next person,

But sometimes truth bombs need to be laid out and it’s not what you want to hear but it’s what you need to hear.

This is one of those messages.

My title says it all.

There is no instant gratification.  If you want massive change and transformation, you’re going to have to put in the work.  You are going to have to do your time.

You spent an entire lifetime feeding your mind with lies and limitations and you expect to clean it all up in a weekend over a chit-chat convo with your BFF.

What do you do when shit gets tough?

What do you do when it feels like the same old thoughts and beliefs keep coming up and blocking you from that life of liberation/freedom/purpose/abundance?

I’ll tell you what 99% of people do…and you can decide which party you’re part of.  Will you be the 99% or the 1%?

The 99% will say, “This doesn’t work!  I’m not cut out for this!  I must be doing something wrong!  She’s better than me.  I don’t have what it takes!  I just don’t get it!  This is too hard!  I don’t have time/I’m confused/I’m overwhelmed….”

And they will either quit, or stay stuck in that mindset, going through the motions, but never really getting anywhere because they are still believing the lies they’ve been telling themselves.

The biggest problem I have with the self-development industry is that everyone seems to make it look so easy, effortless, and pretty.

And it’s none of that.

Yes, it could be all of those.  But your mind is so damn determined to keep you stuck that it. will. fight. you.

And that’s where you need to be determined, willing to get dirty, and play a bigger game than your mind is willing to play.

You need to be willing to do the time and persist even when there is no visible evidence that any of the work is actually working.

You can’t give up.  Not ever.

You will want to!  Your mind will continuously bring you back to the visible world and give you every reason why you should just quit now.

So just decide right now if you are going to be a quitter or someone who acknowledges that she knows too much to turn back and she’s going to do whatever it takes until things turn around.  And if you choose to quit, just stop reading.

Still reading.  YES!  Let me celebrate with you and Life because Life is excited that you are fully committed to being the person who can lift her eyes above the illusions of this world and begin to see what lies beyond.

Your job as a spiritual being walking in this world is to be here, now, but know that you aren’t from here.

There’s a scripture that says, “Be in this world but not of it!”

From a religious perspective, it means something entirely misinterpreted IMHO, but what it really means metaphysically is that this world is a world that is at the effect of your consciousness.  If you attempt to make things happen in order to find satisfaction or fulfillment, you are being IN this world, and you will not find lasting happiness.

But if you are in this world, enjoying all the scenery and all that your senses allow you to participate in, but at the same time fully understand that the Real world is beyond those things that you can sense, you are then manifesting heaven on earth.

YOU become a powerful co-creator with the Universe, able to work miracles, and find true freedom.

You become a channel for the invisible to manifest into the visible.

That is the real definition of manifesting.

Manifesting something isn’t about making something happen that hasn’t already happened.

It’s about making what is invisible (but available) visible.


Grasp that.

So when I talk about staying the course, what I really mean is learning how to let go of your attachments to the outer trappings of this world and the stories that limit you from waking up to your full potential, remember daily that you were created for a purpose (and that purpose was not just to get by as a successful human being, but to thrive as a spiritual being serving this world with the gift of you), and do the necessary inner work that removes blocks, reprograms your mind, and aligns your energy with the Source of your being.

It goes way beyond just affirming and visualizing what you want life to look like.

It doesn’t begin and end with a 5 minute meditation each morning and evening.

As a matter of fact, that’s the fun stuff.

What happens when it gets hard?  What happens when it looks like nothing is working?  What happens when everyone else is getting results and you aren’t?

That’s the work I’m talking about.  That’s what makes most people run.

But you’re not a runner.  You’re going to stick it out.  You’re going to return to God every single MF day and use every opportunity that is given to you to awaken more to who you are.  You are going to love yourself through your transformation, but you’re also going to remember that sometimes love is tough.

That’s what I’m giving you right now.  A little dose of tough love.  Because I know you can handle it and I know you’re ready for it.  And mostly because I know what’s available when you become the person who decides to be unstoppable.

True freedom is available for those who do the work.

Liberation is available.

Peace that surpasses all understanding is available.

The INNER vibration that doesn’t require anything to change in your world before you experience it.

As you master the VIBRATION, you become a welcome energy for the manifestation of all you desire.

But that really won’t matter too much anymore.

Because you’ll be too busy feeling blissful, and looking for new ways to expand your consciousness, go even deeper and expand even further.

It’s just the way it works.

I’m so glad that you’re committed to your life’s journey.  It makes me happy to know that even though it takes some real focus, dedication, and tenacity that you’re willing to be the 1% who wants to blaze her own trail, bust through the limitations that keep most people stuck for lifetimes, and experience life as a miracle-worker/magician who just receives because she IS.

You are.

And I’m right here with you.  Busting blocks, raising thresholds, expanding my vision, and choosing to make the impossible possible.

I love you!

P.S.  😍😍😍YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!😍😍😍

I’m so super excited that this is happening!

I’m opening up my calendar for my new 1:1 coaching program:
LIVING PURPOSEFULLY: 12 Weeks to a Life of Expansion, Possibility, and Miracles

WWWHHHHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!! This is going to be LIFE CHANGING! No doubt!

I took some time away from offering private 1:1 coaching to clients for several months. It was a time in my spiritual walk where I was deepening my practice and expanding drastically into a new version of me. I started to shift in ways that made me see life through a higher perspective, and suddenly what I was teaching no longer resonated 100%.

Not that it was no longer accurate. There are certain truths that work on some level but as you elevate, they are no longer relevant.

And I had elevated.

I’ll save the details for a future post, but I want to focus on what this means for YOU!

I’m launching my newest 1:1 coaching program
and I could not be more excited!

I’m going to bring my A game (as always!) to this program, and I guarantee you’ll never be the same once you’re done.

This 12 week program will give you everything you need to become empowered as the deliberate creator of your purpose-driven life.

You will see first-hand how you create all the results in your life, but more importantly, you will be given the tools that it takes to change whatever is no longer working for you!

🏝️🤩How do you want to live your life? How would you like to experience PURPOSE, ABUNDANCE, and TOTAL SATISFACTION in your own way?

Not only is it possible, it is already done.  You just need to align yourself with the energy that is already available.

You have to realize that it is available.  Which is one of the biggest struggles most emerging purpose-driven women can’t see.

But if you don’t realize that….like a DEEP inner knowing, then mediocrity and unfulfillment will still be part of your experience because that is what you’re focused on.

During this 12-week program, you will:

🤩 Shift from doubt, lack, and “not enough” to having more than enough for all your wants and needs
🤩 Discover who you really are beyond your human-self, why you are here, and what you deeply desire
🤩 Learn how to be a vibrational match for your desires
🤩 Uproot beliefs that limit you, and plant seeds of limitless abundance in their place
🤩 Consistently maintain the inner-state that makes you unshakable to outer circumstances
🤩 Drop into a state of ease around receiving on all levels
🤩 Become a magnet for miracles
🤩 Embody trust and surrender, allowing God to work magic for you in your life
🤩 Learn how to embody the vibration of abundance as your natural state
🤩 Experience abundance on your terms!
🤩 Develop a deep knowing that living your purpose is the path to ultimate success
🤩 Witness abundance of all kinds being attracted to you on a daily basis

You’ll also get:
💖Daily journaling exercises to stay in your desired state of abundance no matter what (Value $197)
💖 Access to me DAILY via messenger for 12 weeks (This is invaluable! But I could easily charge $1,500)
💖 Follow up session after your coaching program ends (Value $197)
💖 Weekly abundance-vibes meditations to help guide you into a mental state of receptivity for more! (Value $150)

Contact me on FB messenger or email if you’re ready to quit the struggle, master your mindset, and begin creating your life ON PURPOSE, no limits.

Abundance is all there is! NOW you get to experience it!

I can’t wait to work with you and watch your life shift and transform in miraculous ways!



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