It’s time that you start taking your own advice, acting on the wisdom that you have, and doing what you know it takes to have success on all levels.

You can’t mess around anymore.  Life is waiting for you to show up so that it can show up for you.  But if you keep playing small, blocking your abundance for whatever reason, you don’t get to live this life on the level you intended.

What is that reason anyway?  The reason you keep blocking yourself?  Is it because you don’t think you’re good enough to have it?  Is it because you don’t believe it’s possible?  Is it because you haven’t had it in the past so you feel doomed to have it in the future?

You do realize that these thoughts are the exact reason you aren’t available for miracles, right?  There is no limit to what you can have and there’s nobody with a stopwatch telling the Universe how long it has to take.  You can have it all and you can have it now.

How committed are you to having what you want?  Are you more committed to living the life of your dreams, having unlimited wealth, abundance, adventure, fulfillment, FREEDOM!?  Or are you more committed to seeing life as it is now, telling the story of what life is like in the eyes of you, believing the reality of your current circumstance?

If you want things to change, my dear, you must change your mind.  Your mind is what allows (or blocks) your abundance.

It is quite unfortunate that we were all trained at such a young age to doubt our ability to manifest.  Of course it would be nice if we could just snap our fingers and forget all the limitations that were placed on us.

But let’s just make it a game to forget what we’ve learned and remember what we knew before we were born.  Let’s remember that we are infinite and unlimited.  Can you?  Can you just remember that again, even just for a minute?  What would you think if you couldn’t think the thought that you are limited or restricted in any way?  What then?

You would know that you are divine, worthy, enough.  You would know that you have a storehouse of all the abundance and wealth you could ever need that is programmed with your name on it available for you to cash in whenever you want to.

You would remember that life is a game, it’s all supposed to be fun.  You would know that you are completely taken care of and any experience that is less than amazing is a figment of your imagination and can shift and change in the blink of an eye as soon as you decide to take your attention away from it and place your attention on the invisible world which is way more real than anything you can see or touch.

Declare now that you choose to be a deliberate creator of your experience.  Then claim what you want unapologetically.  You can have it all, and actually it’s available now!

Do you feel selfish asking for what you want?  Let that go.

Do you feel unworthy of having what you want?  There’s no such thing.

Are you afraid that it won’t happen for you?  It IS happening.  Now.

Release your doubt, fear, and worry.  How would you feel if you just knew that it was done?  If you could sneak a peek into the future and see that somehow all the things you wanted appeared in the perfect timing in the most amazing and excited way, how would you change your thoughts in this present moment?

Wouldn’t you feel more calm, peaceful, at ease?  Wouldn’t you be excited about this present moment just happy to be alive?  Wouldn’t everything that you’re currently experiencing around money really not matter so much anymore because you know that it’s temporary and totally taken care of?

Wouldn’t you be giddy and happy about life in general?  Wouldn’t you feel a deep appreciation for the way the Universe delivers everything you need?  Wouldn’t it be easy to surrender the “how”?

Guess what?

You can live from this space right now.  You can feel this way now.  You can trust…and really the only way to make all of this become your physical reality is to trust now.

Let the world around you fade and remember once again, or maybe for the first time, that the world within you is the Real deal.  Whatever you experience inside your mind will be displayed in your outer world.   Change your thoughts, change your world.  Simple as that.

And yet it doesn’t always feel simple.  Why isn’t it working?  But it IS simple.  Maybe not easy.  Only because you have a mind that has been trained to think in a certain way for a number of years.  But it doesn’t mean you can’t make the changes right now and do whatever you need to do to turn things around.

Stop dwelling on the past and wondering why it isn’t working.  That’s only going to keep you stuck.  Instead, look to the future and realize that all the work that you’ve done, all the asking that you’ve done before now, all the intentions that you’ve set for yourself have all been a setup for a breakthrough.  You’ve done the asking.  You’ve laid the groundwork.

Now it’s your time to receive!  Open your arms, expand your mind, reach out and grab it!  Declare to the Universe that you are available now to receive in whatever way It decides is best for you!  Receive!


It is done, it is yours, it is now.




Remember that you can have it all, and WILL have it all as soon as you tune into the station of abundance that is always playing right now!



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