Of course the short answer to this question of can you really have it all is “YES!”  I know without a doubt that any desire that is born in your heart is possible and available for you.

But I have a unique spin on the details to this answer, compliments of Gabby Bernstein, who has helped me see things through a more peaceful and allowing perspective rather than struggling to make it all manifest now.

She was discussing a panel she was part of filled with other successful entrepreneurs/moms who spoke about their struggle to keep so many balls juggled in the air.  Sometimes being a parent and biz owner at the same time can be overwhelming.  They each expressed their belief that you really can have it all….but you don’t necessarily need to have it all at the same time.

This perspective is a much softer approach as opposed to the popular belief that you can have it all and you can have it all right now.  And while that might sound great, the problem I have with this idea is that when you DON’T experience this as your reality, you start to panic, wonder what you’re doing wrong, and feel like something isn’t working.  And that stance will take you out of flow/allowing which actually blocks more from coming to you.

As a busy mom, wife, entrepreneur, and all the other hats I might put on throughout the day, I have come to realize that when I’m not fully attentive to what I’m doing in the present moment, my mind get scattered/fragmented and I begin to stress out.  Like when I’m in mom-mode, playing with the kids (which I actually schedule on my calendar because it takes conscious effort on my part to completely unplug from my business and other responsibilities I have) and I start to notice how messy the house is getting.  I want a tidy house, and I also want to love on my kiddos and be present with them.  In that moment, I have to choose between having a tidy house and being attentive to my children.  I can have them both, but in that exact moment, I don’t need them both RIGHT NOW.

Divine timing isn’t always YOUR timing.  The Universe really does know what’s best for you, in the BEST timing.

This by no means implies that you have to wait a long time, or that you can’t have it at all.  I am a firm believer that if you have a desire placed on your heart, it was put there by God.  And if God gave you the desire, He will give you the means to manifest it.  But I also feel like too many people are trying to play God and call the shots and from our human perspective, we just don’t see the whole picture.

I feel a lot more peaceful when I just hand things over to the Divine, get out of the way, and enjoy what’s right in front of me.  Being in a state of allowing is being in the state of receiving.  More of what you are wanting will actually reach you when you just chill, relax, and allow.

Have you noticed that when you look at what hasn’t happened yet, your manifestation doesn’t have the chance to reach you?  And when you aren’t even thinking about what you’ve asked for, just enjoying life, it seems like everything just happens effortlessly?

Don’t you want effortless manifestation?

Don’t you want easy?

I know that I do.  Inner peace just feels good and even in the moments while I’m waiting for what I want to come to me, I’m already okay.

If you’d like to release the struggle of trying to get everything this red hot minute, here are a few things for you to think about:

  1.  Acceptance = non-resistance.  Regardless of what’s happening in your physical world, which you don’t always have control over, you DO have control over the way you react to your circumstances.  Reaching acceptance for whatever you’re experiencing and however you’re feeling in the moment removes any resistance that you might have, making that experience temporary.  And as the feelings simply be, they will move and create more space for the higher/better feeling vibrations that are a match for what you want.
  2. Get ready to get ready!  Your job in the manifestation process isn’t to make anything happen.  That’s the job of the Universe.  Your job is to prepare your vibration by getting ready to get ready (as Abraham Hicks talks about in their lectures).  To prepare your vibration, you have to find satisfaction in the IDEA of your manifestation.  Abraham says that new desires are always emerging from your consciousness, so there is always something that hasn’t manifested yet.  If you wait for the manifestation to occur before you feel satisfied, you’ll NEVER be satisfied (at least for very long) because you are a CREATOR!  You allow 9 months to go by before you meet your baby for the first time because you understand that there’s a gestation period in pregnancy.  You allow time to go by when planting a seed before it blossoms into a beautiful flower.  Get ready to get ready and allow the gestation of your idea to BE without your interference.
  3. TRUST that the Universe ALWAYS has your back!  Nothing is impossible or out of reach.  No matter what you desire, the Universe is always saying YES!  If you can simply trust that things are always working out for you, you can relax and enjoy the beautiful creation of your desires as they come.

This way of thinking feels so much easier to me.  You no longer have to control, fight/push/strive/WORK to make things happen.  And you can take it easy on yourself in the meantime, in between launching your desire and seeing it manifest into the physical, and just enjoy the perfection of your life.

What would change for you if you were more receptive to God’s divine timing?  Comment below!


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