Are you still waiting for some distant, far-off day to come before you choose to really show up for life?

What could your life be like if you showed up today as if it was already here?  Because it actually is.

There is no such thing as tomorrow.  Tomorrow only exists in your fantasy.  And even yesterday is simply a memory.

Today is all that there is.

Let’s go further down the rabbit hole.

Everything exists now.

All of infinity and all the potential that will ever manifest through you is available right now.

Not after you complete that course.

Not after you land a certain number of clients.

Not after you’ve been making money in your business for a certain number of months/years.


To the extent that you step into that infinite potential, you will experience it.

To the extent that you step into your genius, you will experience it.

To the extent that you step into your confidence, brilliance, talent, and light, you will experience it.

Being who you were born to be really isn’t that complicated or difficult.

It isn’t complicated because you are being guided and directed by God.

The process behind what it takes to really achieve mastery is probably complicated AF, but I don’t have to know how it works.  God does.  And He does.  So I don’t even have to think about it.

Being who you were born to be isn’t even difficult.  Being who you AREN’T meant to be is a lot harder.  And definitely more painful.

When you’re not being your true Self, you have to think about so much!  You have to consider what other people think about you, you have to contemplate what you’ll say, you have to do all the work on your own (because the Universe won’t support your fake-as-shit persona that masks your bright and beautiful light).

For me, I choose ease.  I choose guidance.  I choose support for the Universe, thank you very much.

I just don’t have the energy anymore to juggle all the balls in the air by myself.

I never really was good at that.

Handing my life over to God and just adopting His perfection for my life is so much easier, and promises so much more than I could even dream up alone, let alone make happen.

But it DOES require you to show up.

If you want to be a channel for excellence, abundance, and joy, you do have to show up fully for life and be willing to be used by God.

It means that you have to give up your petty attachments to how things are supposed to go, and accept that there’s a bigger plan for your life.

You need to make your connection to that Source of Life the most important and vital element of your day.

You need to be committed to showing up no matter what.

If fear arises, you show up.  If you get triggered by someone’s behavior, you show up.  If you are confronted with fear, you show up.  If you don’t feel like being a bigger person, you show up anyway.

And you need to give it everything you have with all the confidence you have.  Give everything your everything.

Yes, even when you hate your job.  Yes, even when someone acts like an asshole.  Yes, even when you feel disappointment.  Yes, yes, yes.

Because nobody owes you anything.  Which is great because they can’t offer you anything anyway.

YOU are God’s gift to the world.  The only thing that you can do is give yourself away.

And as you begin giving of yourself, your time, your wisdom, your genius, your passion, your purpose….

God will give you more to give.

Today is your only opportunity to expand more into that infinite potential of Divinity; to manifest more of heaven on earth.

No more waiting for something or someone else to show up.  No more hiding out until you feel better about yourself.  No more allowing fear to paralyze you from doing what you were born in this lifetime to do.

There is nothing to wait for.

It is all here waiting for you.

It is here.  Now.

Tap into it.

Manifest it.

Activate it.

Tune into it.

And you will experience it.



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