I recently turned 40 (in July) and I, like most people reflecting on the past 10 years, considered the last decade of my life and what would be different in my 40’s. 

A large part of me is ecstatic for this next phase of my life.  I really mean it. I feel like 40 is the new 30…with more experience, wisdom, and a sexiness that comes with age.

But if I’m being honest, there was also a little part of me that felt disappointed. 

Disappointed about where I was compared to where I wanted to be.  

Disappointed for not playing a bigger game in my business. 

Disappointed for not taking up hobbies I really wanted to get better at (I stopped playing the guitar when I had my first child 5 years ago…I do the math and wonder how good I would be now if I had practiced this whole time).

My crazy mind started spinning stories about how busy I am now with other things that matter and how maybe I’m really not supposed to have the level of success i wanted in my business.  Maybe I should just enjoy being a full-time mom. The guitar was so hard anyway, who has time for that?

Most of this disappointment was destructive criticism, yes.  And of course I did the energy and mindset work to change my focus and shift into a higher vibe of self-love and deep appreciation.  

But it got me thinking, how many other women feel this same “crunch for time” and worry that maybe too much time has passed and now it’s not even worth going for.  

How many other women stop at that threshold of the mind that creates excuses when you start to feel fear?

How many other women allow their mind to tell them that other younger women are more qualified, talented, and have the time and minimal responsibilities that make manifesting dreams way more feasible? 

(I actually found myself believing that I’m too old to take selfies and cute pics for IG so I prob shouldn’t try growing my biz that way!)

These thoughts and beliefs are intense, no doubt, 

but they are not powerful enough to stop you from showing up fully as the messenger/teacher/healer/impactor you are called to be!

I just want you to know that there really is no better time than now to begin living your life the way that inspires you the most. 

A new decade (or a new year, or heck…a new day!) is a perfect time to begin again, learn from everything in the past, and make damn certain the next phase of your life is filled with joyful memories, as well as a sense of pride for doing what felt hard or even impossible in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. 

Because regret sucks.  And I know, I know…it’s the spiritually enlightened thing to do to claim you have no regrets and you never really made a mistake, but putting your halo aside for a minute, just admit, if you could go back and do it all over again, you’d do it smarter…



I know I would.

But it’s never too late.

And looking back 10 years from now,  I want to say I took more risks this decade, 

I loved more this decade, 

I went all in this decade.

And if I fail, it won’t be because I didn’t try.

If I lose, it won’t be because I quit.

And if nobody listens, it won’t be because I was quiet.  

I’m going to show up in whatever way I know how.

I’m going to take the risks that seem silly to take “at this stage in the game” (whatever tf that means)

I’m going to listen to the highest aspect of me that reminds me of my purpose while lovingly not believing my ego that says I should settle for something less.  

I’ve committed to doing life differently. 

I’m stepping up my game. 

I’m playing at a higher level. 

I swear I’ll never stop either. You can hold me to that 

I will ALWAYS uplevel my game.

I will ALWAYS deepen my practice.

I will ALWAYS push my thresholds.

Because I know what’s waiting for me on the other side when I do!

Liberation. More freedom.  More connection. More bliss.  More joy. More ease. More peace.  

Bring it on, life!  What’s next? 

I’m ready. Excited even. 

Who’s with me?

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