You don’t need to shy away from what you want. And don’t you dare settle for anything less than your desires!

Do not for one minute think that you don’t deserve or can’t have the picture perfect life with all the things that fulfill and excite you!

You are so powerful. In this present moment you have access to all the magic you require to have the life you imagine and picture in your deepest dreams.




You have access to the vibrational match of your desires.

And if that’s not exciting to you, because who wants vibration when what you really want is the real deal….

The “real deal” (or what you perceive to be real anyway!) is only the end result of your vibration.

Vibration first and then physical.

That’s the way God intended it to be. It’s called free will. You choose. And you choose by your vibration and focus. Focus and vibration.

You have access to an infinite storehouse of wealth. Does it feel selfish to stand there with your hands open asking for more?

Get over that shit!

I had the same thoughts. It stemmed from my childhood when I wasnt allowed to ask for what I wanted because we didn’t have enough, we shouldn’t be rude or ungrateful. Just be happy with what you have. And what I heard was:

Selfish is bad
You cant always get what you want
Life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to
Wanting things is bad
Dont be a selfish brat

So my version of reality told me I had to take what I was handed. Don’t ask for more or expect too much.

But I turned that around and quickly when I realized that none of that was true! God bless anyone who still feels that way but omg hell no!!

Selfish is not bad. Wanting what you want and claiming it isn’t taking away from anyone else. Its raising the bar to what others can do. The only way to serve is to be so selfish that nothing matters more than receiving what you want!

When you have what you want, you’re connected. You’re available for miracles. You’re in your power. You’re energized. You have more to give.

You can’t serve the world by living in fear of where your next dollar will be coming from. You don’t set an example for your kids by pinching pennies and missing out on opportunities to explore all that life has to offer. You arent fulfilling your purpose by working a job that sucks your soul as you wish you could just do what you want.

Why do you think you want what you want?

Because IT WANTS YOU! It’s calling you. It wants to manifest through you. The vibration exists and just needs your focus to come into this physical dimension.

Please get this. Understand this. Do what you need to do to realize this on a soul level.

Compromise is not necessary.

Settling does not serve you.

You don’t have to give up what you want so that others can be happy.

We all get to be happy.

You and me….and as we claim our joy and what makes us happy, we give others permission to do the same.

So be selfless enough to ask for everything you want! The only way you can really be of service is to show up from a full vessel ready to give all that you have.

Claim every bit of your desires completely carefree about how it’s going to happen.  Step up fully and ask without thinking twice!  It’s your for the taking!

Forget about what “they” told you.  Selfish simply doesn’t exist.   You aren’t offending God by asking for more.  God isn’t programmed like your mom and dad.   It’s is God’s good pleasure to give you anything


anything you ask for.

And that starts now.

You haven’t been gone too long.  You aren’t too broken.  You aren’t asking for too much.

You are not the exception.  God blesses all his children.  The Universe is set up so that you can have all that you want.  It is not impossible.  It’s actually the most natural thing to do.  You were born with this knowledge.

Now it’s time to remember.

P.S. Spiritual Girl/Material World Is Starting In One Week!

Are You In Yet? (This is one you’re NOT gonna want to miss!)

Partner w/the Universe and Co-Create Real and Lasting Abundance!

14 days of power-packed lessons, meditations, and next-level exercises (including affirmations THAT WORK!) to get out of your limited mindset and into the abundant energy that materializes wealth (yes, I mean money, money, money, money!)

Here’s what you’ll learn:
💎 Learn how to quickly shift your mindset when you’re feeling fear or scarcity around money
💎 Reprogram your mind to align with the Truth of your being–You are unlimited and have everything you require to succeed inside you NOW!
💎 How to manifest money through your new dominant wealth vibration

eff being stuck around money! Ain’t nobody got time for that!

God wants you to be rich….cuz wealth is spiritual and so is having money!

This is for you if:
🤑 You’re over your MF money struggle
🤑 You’re fully committed to changing your mind and doing whatever it takes until you see results
🤑 You have big Big BIG dreams and goals and you’re ready to experience them….like YESTERDAY!
🤑 Manifesting hasn’t worked for you in the past, and you’re willing to surrender your human power to the everlasting and unlimited power of the Universe to support you

This is NOT for you if:
🛑 You’re okay with playing small and settling for scraps
🛑 You aren’t up for a little mental challenge that will drastically change your life
🛑 You tend to blame others for your results
🛑 You quit, give up, or give in to circumstances
🛑 Talking about money, material wealth, having stuff, and being rich is a turn off
🛑 You believe that you can love God or money, but not both

I might create a sales page (although I might not) but I just had to get this out to you NOW because I’m so giddy over this! This is my FAVORITE combination of topics to discuss! It’s gonna be damn gooooood baby!

Are you in?

Daily email training with all the goods. Lessons, meditations, affirmations, and energy clearings to help you get over your money shiz stat and step into an abundance mindset where limits are a thing of the past!

We start next Monday (Sept 17th)!

$97 locks you in! (WHAAT?!)

But wait! There’s more!

I’m also offering a VIP upgrade for (1) 1:1 laser sesh with moi for $80 more! You can use this session at any point during or after the training to get clarity, hone your craft, and get support in owning the material on a deep, personal level.

If you know this is for you, claim your spot NOW!
14-day program:
with VIP option:

Comment below with any questions! I’ve priced this so that if you know you want in, there’s no reason to say no!

What are you waiting for? Jump baby! and the net will appear!

xx LOVE YOU! xx


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