How to Cash In On Your Abundance!

How often do you look at what you have (or don’t have) and wish you had something different?  Something more?  Something better?  Something different?  You should be grateful, and you are to a degree, but there’s so much more that you want and there’s really no sign of it happening.  It will be so much easier to be grateful once you have what you want.

I’m all about being honest with myself, so let’s both be honest and stop pouring a sweet, sugary syrup over our true feelings.  Being positive on the outside while quietly feeling stuck will just keep you stuck.  That fake smile isn’t fooling your spirit.

When nothing seems to be happening in your outside world, our tendency is to focus on what’s wrong because it feels like if we don’t focus on it, we can’t change it.  But actually the opposite is true.  If you continue to focus on what’s not working, what you don’t like, what you wish you could change, you’re only going to experience more of that.

And of course our material world feels so real and so “in your face” that taking our eyes off of what we are immersed in can feel like an impossible task.  How the hell am I supposed to feel rich and abundant when I have this bill I can’t pay, or when I have this thing I want that I literally don’t have the money for in the bank?  How the hell do you convince yourself that God is flowing His unlimited abundance to you when shit isn’t looking that way…….at all?

When you’re out of alignment (feeling poor, or like you can’t afford what you want, really just feeling bad in any way) you are literally blocking yourself from your abundance.  But when you believe the thoughts that aren’t feeling good, changing your thoughts and actually believing them can also feel impossible.  So what do you do?

This was my primary, tug of war thought process for such a long time.  And I still go down that road at times.  But now, instead of staying in that funky negative space, I have learned that by disciplining my mind, I can bring myself back to alignment fairly quickly and be in the flow with Universal powers.

The first thing I realized, and remind myself of often, is that you can’t turn around a negative thought into one that feels super powerful on a dime.  You have to kind of work on it by taking baby steps.  So if I’m feeling like I can’t afford something, instead of telling myself that I’m a multi-millionaire, which my mind just kicks back as “yea fucking right sister.  Try again!”  I just soften the thought to something that doesn’t necessarily make me want to jump up and down with excitement, but definitely feels better than before.  Something like, “I’m going to figure this out.  And I don’t have to  figure it out right now.   I can just relax in this moment and understand that God is working behind the scenes on my behalf.  I can just relax.  It’s ok.”

And then I use statements that involve choices.  So if I really do want to tune in to my multi-millionaire self, which I know does exists in the infinite field, I tell myself, “I choose to understand that I am abundant.  I may not be experiencing it now, but eventually I will tune in to it.  And when I do, I will see things around me start to change.  Even if I don’t feel it right now, I choose to believe it.”

Do you see how these thoughts feel better, although they aren’t exactly where I want to end up, they are taking me out of my funk?

And then I can continue feeling better by thinking thoughts like, “there have been other people who have struck it rich overnight!  Wouldn’t it be nice if I got a million-dollar idea?  It would feel so amazing to connect to the infinite stream of wisdom and inspiration!  I don’t even need a million dollars right now!  This process is so much fun!  Imagine if….”

So you get the point, right?  The process really is just about shifting your thinking.  And when you do that enough, you’ll start to witness the world around you change.  First in small ways, and then as you witness those changes and continue to feel better and better, the changes will be undeniable, exciting, and your life will never be the same again.

Abundance is a feeling first.  Experience second.  So work your thoughts until you feel it and the abundance that is yours to claim will show up!


Do You REALLY Believe In God’s Ability To Give You Want You Want?

What do you really believe about God and His ability to provide your every desire?  You say you know how much He loves you, and that you are provided for.  He has your back!  Yea, yea.

But do you really, really, really  believe?  Do you KNOW that to be true?

Or is it a fluffy, good (yet fleeting) thought you affirm when shit isn’t going your way and you’re feeling defeated?

More than listening to your words, deeply and honestly evaluate how you feel.  If you are feeling worried about money, scared that there isn’t enough, pinching pennies, being tight, selfish, holding back….

….this is all evidence that you aren’t really knowing the Truth about God and His promise to you.

If you really believed, how would you feel right now?  How easy would it be to pay a bill with gratitude knowing that God, the Unlimited Source of Everything is showering you with more than enough?  How relaxed could you be in any given moment knowing that you have access to anything you want or need right now?  How carefree would you be?

The world of form is the world of effect.  It is an simply a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs.  Don’t like what you see?  You have to stop paying attention to it long enough to change the way you feel about it.

It’s totally backwards from what we’ve been taught and it feels totally weird to do.  When I started to ignore my financial situation to focus on the abundance that is my birthright, I immediately started to feel irresponsible.  Before I could do anything about it, worry started to creep in.  “What if nothing changes?  And I’m not doing anything about it right now so things could really spiral out of control!”

But that was my first opportunity to lasso my thought.  It was a telling story of where my thoughts were.  Obviously I was thinking that I didn’t have enough money, and I thought I needed to control the situation!

Awesome!  My first assignment.

These tiny thoughts are projects to work on.  Once you begin working on the inner game of thought,  you start to see the changes in your physical world.

There is this small gap, especially when you’re first learning to apply this to your own life, where you don’t have any evidence that this is for real.  Your ego is working in full effect to do everything it can to prevent you from owning it.  Your ego knows that if you really start to grasp the Truth, it has no hope of keeping you down.

So in those moments where you still don’t have physical proof, remind yourself that this shit has worked for everyone who has ever really owned it.  The only time it doesn’t work is when you don’t believe it will.  Doubt is the master blocker for all-things-good.

Release your doubt and fully trust that the God of all that is, creator of everything, master manifestor, has the ability to give you everything you want.

He created the stars for heaven’s sake.  He keeps the earth spinning in its orbit.  He turns an embryo into a baby, an acorn into an oak tree.  Have you ever stopped to marvel at the magnificence of that?  What is in that embryo that instructs the cells to form a human being?  How does the acorn know to develop roots?  Leaves?

The intelligence that beats your heart, blinks your eyes, heals a wound when you cut yourself, is that same energy.  That energy is the life-force of you….inside of you right now.  Saying yes!  You can have what you want!  Please!  Ask!  Let me shower you with love, abundance, wealth, success, health….Let me!

His joy is in creation.  And until you ask for something to manifest, He just holds the clay and waits for the request on what to form.  So tell Him what you want!

Do you feel greedy?  Like, who am I to just bark out demands to God about what I want?

Remember that it has already been given to you.  God doesn’t work like us humans do.  He’s not getting exhausted by working so hard.  He doesn’t judge you for wanting too much.

Actually, God enjoys the world of form through your eyes!  So when you cut yourself off from experiencing the fullness of His blessings, you’re actually cutting God off from experiencing life through your unique perspective.

It’s a team thing.  When God gives to you, He gives to himself.  That’s why it’s his great pleasure to give to you.  It adds to the picture, to the experience.

Ask, ask, ask.

Believe, believe, believe.

Release.  Release.  Release.

Have fun!  Enjoy life!  Don’t wait another minute.  Start creating life.  This is the time.  This is YOUR time!

How to Feel Better Now!

You can have it all.  It has already been given to you, the moment you asked.

You may have asked on bended knee, knowing damn well you were asking.  Or you might have asked simply by observing what you don’t want, sending off a request subconsciously for more.  In either way, you have asked and God said “Yes!”

But then what typically happens after you ask is, instead of celebrating that what you want is on the way, you continue to focus on what you don’t have, on what is missing.  You don’t allow yourself to feel good or feel expectant of what is on it’s way because you’re still aligned with doubt.

“I want this, but I can’t afford it.”

“I want this, but he already has it.”

“I want that, but I missed my opportunity.”

“I wish I could have that but I’m not smart enough.”

And with your doubt, the manifestation that you asked for cannot come to you.  Not because you can’t afford it, not because somebody else already beat you to it, not because your opportunity was lost and not because you aren’t smart enough.  It is simply being blocked by your doubt.  Remove all doubt, and in it flows.

It’s Law.  Simply how it works.

What you see and experience now seems so real and believable but is really only a result of your past thoughts.  So if you are experiencing “not enough”, you just need to tune into a different thought.  Move slowly toward thoughts that are empowering and that are truth.

Here’s a great process to shift your thoughts when you are focusing what what you don’t want:

  1.  Notice what you’re thinking–  Become aware!  Catch yourself in the middle of your thought!  Once you become aware of the thoughts you’re thinking, you’re empowered to either stay with it or change it.
  2. Notice how your thought is making you feel– Watch inside yourself how you are feeling as you think certain thoughts.  There is no such thing as a neutral thought.  Each thought is either moving you closer or farther away from what you want.
  3. Choose a thought that you can believe that makes you feel a little better– Operative word being “that you can believe”.  Although you ARE unlimited, RICH beyond your wildest imagination, LOVED more than you’ll ever know, WISE as hell, if you don’t believe it, that will not be your experience.  So if you are thinking thoughts like, “I can’t afford that!” Instead of telling yourself you have $10million (which you obviously don’t believe), create the belief “I don’t have to figure this out right now.  I can just relax.  I’m ok in this moment.”  And in that moment, you feel a little better.
  4. Keep reaching for better and better feeling thoughts– Now that you feel better, reach even higher!  As you move closer and closer to the Truth with each step, you’ll go from feeling hopeless, to hopeful, to KNOWING.
  5. If you can’t feel better in the moment, do something to distract yourself– Sometimes you just feel like shit and there’s nothing you can do (or you choose to do nothing about it).  When you’re stuck in a negative vibe, do something to distract yourself.  Take a nap!  Meditate.  Go for a swim, a jog, a walk in nature.  The negative feeling will subside.  And then you can begin moving up towards better feeling thoughts.

The best thing you can do for yourself to make the greatest shifts in your life is to become consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings, and reach for better ones as often as possible.  Your thoughts have creative power!  Protect your mind at all costs and only choose to entertain thoughts that will create what you want.


How To Become A Magnet For What You Want

There was a day when I used to pray to a God “up there”, very hopeful that He would hear me.

I was often disappointed when I didn’t receive an answer, or get what I was asking for.

I thought maybe my prayers weren’t heard, or they weren’t important enough.  Or maybe I didn’t say the prayer exactly right.  Perhaps someone else needed, deserved, prayed harder and got my blessing.

Another thing about prayer.  I feel like people kind of throw that word around and don’t put much behind it.

Is that because prayer to them is similar to my past experience?  Has everyone just become jaded to the miracles that are possible because nobody is experiencing them anymore?

Are miracles something to read about?  Are people even experiencing miracles anymore?  What the hell is a miracle, really, anyway??

Here is what I have learned about prayer, miracles, and being a magnet for everything that you want.

  1.  God is not “out there”.  God is the energy that is pulsing through your veins.  God is the light that fuels your soul.  God is that whisper in your ear, that comfort you feel when you’re all alone.  God is the air you breathe.  God is in you.  God IS you.  You are God.  The Highest version of you is the you that includes God.
  2. Miracles happen when you are tuned into that Higher version of you.  When you are connected to God, your Source, miracles are just what happens.
  3. A heart-felt prayer never goes unheard or unanswered.  How could it if God is right here?  You might not get the answer you wanted, or maybe the time just hasn’t been right yet.  Or maybe, and here’s the BIG one….Maybe you aren’t letting it in.
  4. Miracles are always flowing to you.  You are either open to receiving or closed off.

You are a miracle worker.  Did you know that?  Just the fact that you are here right now means that you have the ability to perform miracles.



Everyone is given this power.  Yet very, very few actually choose to use it.

A Course In Miracles says that we achieve so little because we have lazy minds.  We don’t claim our power when we allow our thoughts to go down a negative path, collecting momentum as it goes.  And as it gets louder and gains more power, we just go with it, making excuses as to why we should keep going with it.

Imagine each thought you think as a prayer spoken to God.  What does your conversation look like regularly?  Are you asking for more goodness, more kindness, more possibilities?  Are you sending thoughts of thankfulness, expecting those miracles to manifest into full physical form?

I would say that most of your prayers would come in the form of complaining, comparing, feeling unworthy, worrying.

I’m not pointing my finger at you saying you suck and I have it all together.  Not at all!

My thoughts drift often too!  I notice when I’m not feeling good and realize I’ve been focused on a thought that is not attracting what I want.

There are areas of my life where I am very confident I can hand over to God and trust Him fully that He has my back.

And there are those other areas in life that I have a vice grip on and I don’t willingly hand over.

Even though I KNOW that when I give it to God, shit works out.  And when I don’t, shit hits the fan.

I know this.

Yet I still struggle.

I wonder if I will always struggle in some ways to trust that this all-knowing, all-powerful God who sees everything and has more love for me than I will ever know has my best interest in mind.  That He has the ability to give me what I ask for and does so immediately when I ask.

I wonder how many times I need to experience a miracle before I have 100% faith that it is just supposed to be like that.

I wonder how many times I’m going to try and control a situation, thinking that just this once, I should probably take the driver’s seat.

Our fearful minds, our egos, like to make us believe that God is uninterested in our desires; that he’s a God separate from us, looking down on us, judging us.

Our egos try to lead us to believe that a miracle is a coincidence, some fluke thing that won’t happen again.

Our egos want us to believe that we need to control, claw, scream, and grab for what we want.

Doesn’t sound like much fun.

I think I’m going to go with the still small voice inside of me that is waiting patiently for the next moment for me to be quiet enough to listen.

When I listen closely, I hear how much I am loved.

How much potential I have.

How everything that I want wants me too.

Yes, I choose that voice.

How about you?  Do you choose to know how great you are?  How worthy?  How beautiful?  How wonderful?  How capable you are?  Do you choose to know you are a miracle worker?

Comment “yes” below if you choose yes!





My Journey Out of Fear Into Living Fabulous

Fear.  It can be paralyzing.

For years.

I never allowed myself to put myself “out there” because there was a good chance I’d fall flat on my face.  And how embarrassing is that??

Although I had a message inside of me shouting to come out, begging to be heard.  It was born inside of me with every intention of making a difference in this world when the time had come.

But I kept pushing it down.

Ignoring it.

Lying to myself that I just didn’t have time.  I needed to get better at communicating my message first.  I had to improve my writing skills.  I needed more clarity.

All along I knew deep down that that is all they were.  Lies.  But I started to believe them….kind of.

The short-term pay off for playing small was being comfortable and safe.  If I wasn’t seen, I would never have to face rejection.  Feeling like I wasn’t enough wasn’t really an issue when I didn’t expect much from myself either, so there was that.

But playing small also meant rejecting my dream.  It meant dismissing what I really wanted in life and grated against my values of expressing my creativity, my passion, and living life full out.

I’m pretty sure there comes a time in every woman’s life when she wonders if there is more to life than “this”.  Whatever “this” means.

We love our families, we pour our hearts into our homes, our jobs, our friendships.  And we have a life that looks like it’s all wonderful.  Why aren’t we happy?

There’s almost a feeling of guilt for wanting more when we have so much more than most.

And I think that when we come to this place, we actually feel this way because there is a knocking at the door of our hearts.  It’s our dreams.  Our deepest desire.  And it’s begging us to open the door even just a peek so that it can shine.

This is how I felt.  I wanted to feel alive yet felt like I was slowly dying.  I was all alone.  I could never tell anyone how I was feeling.  How dare I?!  I had a loving husband, 3 beautiful kids, a comfortable house.  I should just be grateful for what I had.

But eventually the pain of ignoring my Truth hurt worse than the fear of failing….

Hurt worse than the fear of not being good enough.

I had to do it anyway.

Even if I did fail.  Which I was certain I would.  My ego convinced me there were other people who were waaaaaay better than me already doing it.  I should’ve started 10 years ago.  When I realized the dream.  That was the time to start.

“Now you’re too old!” ego says.

And then I realized something pretty silly.  10 years ago that same fucking voice told me I was too young.  I should wait until I had some experience under my belt.  “Just wait.  You’re not ready!”

At what point did I go from being too young to being too old?

When was the sweet spot of being just old enough?

And if I had jumped in at just the perfect time, how long would it have lasted?

I’m finally figuring out for myself what I’ve been preaching to everyone else.  I’m sad it has taken me so long, but I suppose everything is part of the journey.

What have I been preaching?

You really can have everything you want.  The dream you have that is screaming to be realized wants you just as bad as you want it.  You have everything you need right now inside of you to see it through.  You have guidance, wisdom, faith, resources….it is all yours for you to claim.

Go for it!  Jump!  OMG if you realized who you born to be!  If you could remember the path you chose before you were born and how prepared you were for this moment!  Forget everything you think you know and tune into your Higher Self and you will live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Be okay with failing.  It’s alright to fall.  You’ll suck ass at first….everyone does.  Let that be fine.  You’ll doubt yourself.  That’s when you tune into your Higher Self.  Just don’t fucking quit.

Please don’t quit.

Push on and you will realize that the fear was never real.

The only thing that was ever real was the perfection of you.

So that is what I’m doing now.  I’m jumping.  Head first off the cliff with no evidence of wings and knowing that they will only appear once both feet are off the ground.

Because I would rather die than go another day without letting my voice be heard.

And the wings appear.

And I soar….higher…and higher.

From way up here, I ask….

What the hell was I ever afraid of?

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