You Can Begin Again In Any Moment

It doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  But I’ve noticed you’ve been off your game for a while. Not too bad, but not playing all out.  What’s going on?  Do you feel like you’re losing momentum?  Have you stopped your manifesting magic and can’t remember exactly how to get back in the flow of miracles?

Lucky for you, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been gone.   It doesn’t matter how far off you’ve strayed.

You’re still okay.

And you can start right now to refocus, to bring yourself back to what you desire, and **snap** just like that…There you are!

Let your emotions be your guiding light.  If you’ve felt off, frustrated, struggling, limited, or stifled, let that be your sign that you are not in that moment aligned with what you are wanting to create.  Those emotions are great actually, not that they feel great, but that they are telling you some key information if you would just listen.

They are telling you that you are not in alignment with the truth of your being.  You are limiting yourself in some way, not seeing yourself through the eyes of God, and it doesn’t feel good because you’re cutting yourself off from the life-force energy that is the bigger version of YOU!

Limiting yourself shouldn’t feel good.  So you know that your emotional guidance system is working even when you feel like shit!  P.S.  You won’t feel good all of the time so just forget about it!  Be okay with wherever you are and just feel your way back to wholeness.

So you’ve had a time where you’ve felt off your game.  Things haven’t been working out.  You’re in a funk.

Okay, so now what.

I mean, not to minimize the struggle, but why perpetuate it?  Why dwell?  Is there any need to stay here longer?  You’re already halfway there now that you’ve acknowledged that this isn’t how you want to feel, and ultimately the manifestation isn’t what you want to experience.  Great!

So how DO you want to feel?  What do you choose in this moment to bring into form?  How do you want to use your marvelous mind to pick from infinity what life experiences you get to have?

Can you just decide and switch?  (Of course you can…will you though)

I’m going to suggest that you do.  That you just decide here and now that feeling like life is impossible or that you can’t have what you want or that it’s going to take a long time before it happens is a belief you no longer buy into.  Flip that shit around!  What do you want to believe?

Declare that you choose differently now.  And then do it.  What would that look like for you?  What would you decide if you could decide anything?  Would you decide that your desires happen fast, with ease, and always packaged in fun?  Would you decide that this is the moment that everything changed for you?  Would you decide that you put your foot down, drew the line in the sand and made the declaration to the world (or just yourself and God is fine btw ;)) that you’re doing things differently from now on.  From now on you’re taking control of your mind and the thoughts that are entertained there.  That you are God’s partner in this lifetime to create a life that only you could create.  A combination of choices and experiences and moments that only you’ll get to create ever in the history of ever.

There’s no time like the present and everything really can change from that one decision.  Your mind is responsible for what you allow into your life (or keep at arm’s length!).  Doesn’t it just make sense that you discipline that shit with the highest level of urgency?  That you make the way you think more important than the actions you take and almost anything else?  (Your connection to God always being the #1 most important thing!  If you really were able to stay connected to God, and knew who you were through God’s eyes, we wouldn’t be having this conversation anyway!)

Be determined.  Tell yourself over and over and over and over again until it sticks.  I am choosing differently now.  I’m choosing to see my life through God’s perspective.  I am unlimited and I can have what I want and I’m worthy of it because I’m alive and I’m a child of God and it is my birthright.  I’m not selfish in a bad way, I’m not bad at all!  I am good and all that I desire is good and the more I receive the more I get to give.

Now it’s your turn.  Try it.  Make it yours.  Own it.  Heaven only knows this is your one life.  Your one chance to make the most of it.  Your chance to have fun, create, experience, buy, share, express, enjoy, BE UNLIMITED!

Do you know what that means?  Can you grasp that?  NO LIMITS baby!  None.  Except the ones you’re putting on yourself right now.  So stop!  Choose what you want and then do your part to be available for it to show up.  And until then expect it.  Expect it because it already exists in vibrational form.

Everything is about to turn around for you.  Not because the stars are finally aligned, not because you’ve passed the test, not because you did something to earn it, but because you’ve finally made the decision that this is the way it is going to be.

It starts with a decision.  And really that’s ultimately all it takes.  Choosing and getting out of your way.

Choosing and allowing.

Choosing and witnessing.

It’s already done.  Relax.  Breathe.  Enjoy.  Expect.

Expect miracles.

And you shall have them.

Not tomorrow.  (Well…yes.  Tomorrow TOO….) BUT…..

Starting today.  Starting now.  Starting yesterday.

It is already done!


You Can Just Decide That Life Gets to Be Good For You

Don’t you think it’s time to give up the struggle?

Aren’t you tired of trying to make everything work out?

I get caught up in this tailspin so often and bring myself back squarely to my reality of choice (because it’s always a choice) that I’m no longer available for the drama and chaos my ego wants to create.

I’m no longer available for fear, doubt, and worry.

Once I realize that the miracle is already available, God has already taken care of my request, IT IS DONE, there is nothing else I have to do except of course ALLOW….

Once that is firmly in my memory bank, how can I possibly worry anymore?

Do you get crazy in your head sometimes and just wonder how the eff you’re supposed to make this thing called life happen with all the evidence that nothing is working out like you had planned or wanted?

And then the stress and tension of it all added on top of the fear and worry definitely lock the low vibe into place.

This is how most people live daily!  And they don’t even question it!  They just think it’s normal because it’s the way so many people function.

But what really is normal?  And if this is normal, can we agree that we don’t want to be normal?

Because feeling this way, and settling for a life where I’m not in the flow of miracles, connection to God, and bliss is unacceptable for me.

I signed up in this lifetime to be connected to God and have all the answers to all my questions available the minute I ask.  Didn’t you?

Didn’t we sign up to experience miracles?  Didn’t we?

I’m pretty sure.  It’s always a choice anyway, so let’s just choose it now, ok?  Let’s just choose infinite abundance.  Let’s just choose happiness on all levels.  Let’s just choose ease and flow.

Just thinking that way right now feels damn good, which tells me we are on track, doing good, manifesting more miracles.

Life is too short to feel like shit, settle in any way, play small, or give AF what people think of you. This is YOUR life. Play all out by your rules! When God is your Source, and you’re in your power, you absolutely can’t go wrong.

There are some defining moments when the clouds clear and the light shines bright and everything seems so glaringly obvious.  And now is one of those moments.  Life is a series of choices.  One after another.  And there’s nothing in the rule book that states that because of your past, you can’t choose a better future.  Nowhere does it state that progress will take a long time.  Everything can change in an instant.
If you would just get out of the way with your limitations.  If you would just stop arguing for your past.  If you could just let go of the excuses or fears or worries that only exist in this  3rd dimensional world that is full of illusions.
How can I explain to you that when you lift your gaze away from the appearance of time and space, that everything is already perfect, divine, taken care of.  You never messed up.  You’ve always had what it takes.   You were born magnificent and nothing has ever changed.  You’ve just been sleeping.
It’s time to wake up from this dream and remove your consciousness from the world of appearances and instead fix your gaze on what’s real and lasting.
Your abundance is real, lasting, eternal, and available.  So is your happiness, fulfillment, talents, and genius.  If only you would see.  See with your inner eye….make that more important than anything around you.  Make that your goal despite what your physical eyes might see.
When the world within has more meaning, significance, reality, than the world that you can see with your eyes or touch with your hands, you’ll become a deliberate creator who can shift that tangible world at will.  And when you partner with the Universe, asking for the power that creates worlds to direct your path and govern your steps, there is absolutely nothing that you can’t do.
How much magnitude can you handle?
How BIG do you want your life to be?
How much can you expand your container and be open to receive?
When you partner with God these are all questions worth asking yourself.
Because afterall, you’re only limited by your thoughts.

What If You Just Knew That You Were Enough Already?

Does it seem terrifying to think that maybe you could just show up without any proper training, education, external influence, and already be enough, have enough to share and give in order to be successful?

Most people would not be okay with just trusting that all you need is already inside of you and that as you make yourself available to the power of the Universe, that all you need will be given to you.

There’s too much anxiety and fear and maybe even proof that this is NOT the way to answer the calling of your heart.  That you’re setting yourself up for failure, ridicule, judgement.

I think that if I believed the way that most people believe, I would prepare, and outline, and research, and practice all before showing up and speaking.  And let me tell you, I actually have done that.  For me, it’s exhausting!  I personally don’t even know the best way to create an outline.  So there’s that.  And if all of that helps you feel better about what you’re going to say or do in order to share your message, than great!  Do it!

For me, it just brought more anxiety.  I would compare myself to everyone else online as I started to research what others were talking about trying to find my topic of conversation.  I ended up finding other people who were delivering the message I wanted to deliver but better.  More eloquent.  Or whatever reason my conscious mind could come up with as to why I should just stay quiet.

But staying quiet wasn’t part of the game I was called to play.  I was called to speak and share in whatever way it wants to come out in whatever moment it decides to come out.

It doesn’t always happen easily, but I do show up.  And it doesn’t always come out brilliantly, but I share anyway.  And the more I am able to share, and the more I show up, the more and more impressed I am with the way that God is able to use me.

The message gets deeper.  The words flow more powerfully.  It just happens.  It’s how it’s supposed to be.  When you say yes to the Universe, the Universe says yes to  you.

So when I ask for the words, all I do is just show up.  I say, “Use me God, however you want to.  And help me to get out of the way so that your light, your message, your truth, will be spoken through me.  Help me to let go of my personal agenda and just tell me what to say and then put this message in front of the 1 or 1 million people who need it!  I surrender the outcome!”

I’m not sure about you, but that just works a whole lot easier than to leave the plan in my own hands.  Trying to figure out what needs to be said when God already knows.  Trying to figure out how to make it look pretty and sound great when the words are already perfectly arranged by a power who knows way more than I ever could?  That’s not for me.

Perhaps I’m trying to slack a little.  Maybe I just don’t want to work that hard.  I’m okay with either of those reasons.  The fact is, when I try, my mind gets in the way and my content won’t knock it out of the park.

And when I don’t try and I just become an empty vessel for God to use, I feel completely happy, filled up, available for miracles, and of service.

I guess you can do it however you want to.  But my assumption is that you want flow to just happen.  And you can’t effort flow into being.  You can just ask for it to show up, and then you make your presence known!  “Here I am!  USE ME!”

It will!  OMG will it use you!  Because that’s what life is all about!  Using anyone willing to show up for life so that life can express itself to everyone else on this beautiful planet!

And guess who reaps the rewards?  That’s right gorgeous!  YOU do!

Because when you become that empty vessel, God fills you up and you receive and then give from the fullness of your cup running over and then more is given to you to share!  Do you see?

Let’s just commit right now, shall we?  Commit to allowing the magic of Life to manifest through us.  Commit to receiving all that life has to offer in the form of answers, opportunities, manifestations, miracles, abundance, joy, laughter, and any other good thing that adds to the wonderfulness of this life.

Remember, you have the blueprint within you to have it all!  You were born for greatness!  Peel back the layers of limitation and reveal your limitless self!





Think about that. You become who you think you are. Not the other way around. You weren’t born with certain limitations or the ability to only develop certain talents. You were born with the ability to achieve anything your heart desires.

You have within you RIGHT NOW all the skills, power, perfection, wisdom, talent, and ability that you require to fulfill your destiny.

Before you read another book. Before you hire another coach. Before you join another program.


Where are you focused? What are you putting your attention on? What are you telling yourself for the majority of the day?

You keep pushing for more, and you can’t be satisfied with the journey. You need to be better and you aren’t just allowing yourself to begin. You’re so worried about what other people will think about you that you stay paralyzed, small, restricted.

The thoughts of doubt are the cause of your limitations. The fear that you won’t be good enough is the reason you aren’t.

Relax. Life really isn’t that serious.

Does that take the edge off for you? It’s supposed to be fun! And it will be once you realize that you already have it all.

It’s all within you…

What you seek is waiting to be expressed.

And it is expressed by your attention to it.

Want to be good enough? Claim it then. Just show up for life and life will show up for you. Embody the energy of confidence and confidence will be yours. KNOW that you are good enough, and all the talent you need in order for you to be who you were meant to be will develop.



I remember the first day that I decided that I was going to speak my truth and share my message and impact women in whatever way I was guided. I mean REALLY decided. Not want, wish, hope that someday….but FULLY committed to do it daily no matter what.

I waited for a full decade to feel good enough, confident enough, prepared, smart, capable. But that day never came. Despite everything I learned, I just felt like everyone else could articulate the message so much better. I started to wonder if I was really meant to speak, share, teach, coach.

But the vision that I had and the desire that was inside of me was burning so strong that I seriously felt like I was going to die if I didn’t just do it.

I didn’t believe in myself. But I did believe in the vision.

I didn’t think that I could do it. But I did realize that God could.

I didn’t feel like I was good enough. But I just showed up and spoke with whatever was going to come out.

And it was rough. lol

I’d love to say that the Universe instantly gave me every single word to speak with such ease and grace that I never once doubted myself again.

It would be great if I could say that that was the last day I ever experienced self-doubt.

But that’s not the case.

I still struggled. I still stumbled and fell. I still felt insignificant and incapable and I still compared myself to other people and felt like I came up short a lot.

But I also woke something up within me that felt so damn good and made me so damn proud of myself for doing what I knew how and opening myself up to my intuition however I could in that moment.

One realization that I had and continue to have is that what I need in order to speak, teach, and coach is always expanding through me in greater and greater ways.

It’s like the more I show up for life, the more life shows up for me.

Not because of something I’ve learned, studied, or discovered outside of my consciousness, but in the form of me connecting to my soul and asking for the gifts within me to come out so I can share them with the world.

The better I get, the better I get.

“You have to believe it in order to receive it” doesn’t apply when it comes to the vision for your life. You have to step into the version of you who already IS it and show up as that person until the world around you starts to reflect that inner picture.

What are you waiting on? How would you show up if you knew that what you needed is inside of you? What would you be willing to do if you KNEW that you would be able to reach a higher level of your potential simply by showing up?

If you’ve allowed fear to paralyze you from doing the things that will guide you to your purpose and to the fulfillment of that vision, maybe it’s time we chat!

My calling is to help you to WAKE UP to who you really are, past your fears, doubts, and insecurities so that you can STEP UP into a life that lights your soul on FIRE! CAN YOU FEEL IT????

If you know that there’s a calling on your life, but you either don’t know how to uncover it, or you fear you don’t have what it takes to answer it, send me a message now! We’ll get on the phone for a “Soul Awakening” strategy session where you will wake up to what’s fully possible in your life.

When you get clear on that vision and commit to stepping into it with all that you have, LIFE will meet you where you are and give you everything you need in order to see it through! You’ll finally feel happy, peaceful, and excited about life!

These sessions get snatched up quickly, so if you this is resonating with you, please send me a message so that I can get you on the calendar!


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