Becoming a Conscious Co-Creator Isn’t Difficult, You Just Need to Take These Steps

Manifesting a life of magic has become such a hot topic, and one that we are all becoming more and more interested in as we expand our consciousness to what is really possible as spiritual beings living out this human life.

Most of us have been at the game of co-creation for a while, but usually unsuccessfully.

Very few people actually see real and lasting transformation, and begin thinking that maybe they just aren’t capable of turning things around, and right before the miracle, they give up.

I know that for me, I felt like things weren’t working fast enough, so I started looking for tricks and tools that would help me get results faster, but that just kept me on an endless search for more.

Because I wasn’t willing to actually sit my ass down and do the work when shit got real, I ended up wasting a ton of time.  I laugh at the irony of that.  I spent almost a decade trying to find a shortcut!  Uhm….It would’ve taken a fraction of that time to do things right.

So let’s look at the 4 steps that will actually help transform you into the powerful co-creator that you were born to be (and that you want to be more than anything at your core!)

4 Steps To Activating Your Creative Power

1.  Create a vision-  If you don’t have a vision, you have no destination.  (Prov.29:13 says “A man without a vision shall perish)  Life’s job is to support those who are willing to show up and manifest the invisible into the visible.  And that starts with a vision.

2.  Practice- Practice BEING the new version of you until it doesn’t take effort any more.  Executing the vision that you have for your life will require a  BIGGER version of you.  You have to think differently, feel differently, and do things differently than you do now.  Don’t wait until you have what you want before you change those things.  You’ll be waiting forever.

3.  Implement energy work- Your subconscious thoughts and feelings have occupied your energy and is currently manifesting things you likely don’t want.  That energy that needs to be cleared, transmuted, and reclaimed for more of your infinite power.  Tools like prayer, meditation, EFT, working with an energy healer, reike, theta healing, and a the list goes on, are all very effective way of moving energy so that it can be used to create exactly what you want.

4.  Implement a plan- You can want all of this from the depths of your heart, but when life happens (and it will) you have to have a plan that doesn’t allow you to return back to your old habits.  Implement a plan that puts you in a position of commitment to your vision NO. MATTER. WHAT.

Ask yourself right now….”How serious am I about being the artist of my life? How deeply do I want to become a vessel for God to work miracles through?  How much longer will I need to struggle before the pain becomes real enough that I have no other choice?  Do I want it to have to get to that point?”

These questions will really get you thinking!  I know we like to keep things all rosey and upbeat, but let’s get real!  Sometimes you need to get the whole picture and see exactly what you’re doing to hold yourself back!

To be honest, I’m really tired of seeing so many teachers continue to preach these superficial methods on how to transform Your life!  IT WILL TAKE WORK, IT WILL FEEL HARD, YOU WON’T ALWAYS WANT TO DO IT!

To completely turn your life around, it’s going to take more than visualizing, affirming, and saying a morning prayer.

It needs to become a way of life.

But this is work that actually makes a difference.  Plus, it’s interesting.  It’s empowering and enlightening. And it can be fun!

So stop effing  around.  This is your life.  Commit and then get to actual work.

You can do this!  You’ve got it!  I’m cheering you on….and God has your back!

Have you grabbed my gift to you that will help you manifest on a whole new level?  It’s my Next Level Manifestation meditation, and I can promise it’s not your typical mediation.  It will actually help to clear your low-vibe energy and get you on track with aligning with your true vision.

Make sure you grab it here now and listen today!  And then let me know how it impacted you.

I love you!



Do Negative Things Happen to High Vibe People?

If you’re high vibe, does it mean negative things don’t happen to you?

Only people who are in denial or are trying to sell you their high-vibe cool-aid will say “no”.

Life happens. And OFTEN things don’t go the way you expected them to.

I used to be the poster child for “You can have everything you want and you can have it now!”

But I have matured spiritually since then and I can tell you that that kind of “creating” leads to massive suffering.

Because if you have that mindset, what happens when things don’t go your way?

You blame yourself. You think you did something wrong. You try to change your thinking. You focus more, harder, stronger, on the things you want.

The truth is sometimes things go the way you want them to and sometimes they don’t.

It doesn’t matter if you are high vibe or a total bummer to be around all the time! Sometimes the circumstances in life just don’t happen the way that you expected them to.

The difference is, if you are a high Vibe person you see all situations as a gift. An opportunity to grow. An opportunity to be grateful. An opportunity to be more loving towards yourself. An opportunity to be more loving towards others.

If you’re High Vibe and things don’t go your way, you don’t beat up on yourself. You accept were you are. You’re honest with yourself, and you don’t try to fake a happy demeanor when you feel heartbroken.

If you’re high vibe and things don’t go your way, you ask intelligent questions like:

“What do I have to learn from this?”

“How will this help me?”

“What is the lesson I have to learn?”

“What is this here to show me?”

If your high Vibe and things don’t go your way you asked questions like, how can I be present in this moment and feel what I’m feeling without judgement?

Being a high Vibe person does not guarantee that you will never have moments in your life where you struggle, where you hurt, where you experience fear, or even moments where you doubt yourself.

The difference is, as a high-vibe person you take all of these as an opportunity for growth.

To strengthen your spiritual muscles.

To develop your faith and trust even when things don’t happen the way you prefer.

To know that if it’s not good, it’s not over.

To know that everything, everything, everything is happening for your good.

So let me just de-bunk the high-vibe myth once and for all. High-vibe peeps experince loss, disaster, heartache.

As you awaken as a spiritual master, life circumstances don’t always change, but the way you perceive them will.

I guess this isn’t really the most sought after message.

Most people are asking, “how can I raise my vibe so that I don’t have to go through this anymore??”

But eventually the suffering becomes so overwhelming that you are forced to ask more effective questions.

^^and now you can see the gift in everything! Because that suffering will bring you to your knees and open you up to the availability of the universe to support you, comfort you, love you, and guide you to seeing everything through the eyes of God.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. (Rev Michael Beckwith)

This is the state of allowing where miracles happen.

This Is The End Of Manifesting As You Know It

Manifesting as you know it is about to end.

You are about to be taken down the rabbit hole of Reality to a place your ego has never been and will never go to.

You are about to see life from a completely elevated space, where things just work….Not because of anything that you do or say, not because of anything you make happen or attract.

Not because you have finally found the answers that help you get what you want.

But because you have finally realized that life happens much better when you simply get out of the way.

Are you exhausted at trying to make manifesting work for you over and over again?

Like manifesting has become a full-time job, imagining what life would be like when you have all the things, and then living “as if”?

And despite the fear that arises when you act “as if”, and despite the mixed results, and despite the emptiness that you still feel even when you do get your way,

You keep trying because at least you feel empowered to maybe someday get the hang of it and make it work for you?

Doesn’t it seem foolish, if you really just stop and think about it, that we put so much meaning in the lack of outcome when things don’t work out?

“What did I do wrong?”  “Why did I manifest this?”  “Why didn’t I manifest that?”

This kind of thinking is self-abuse, imho, and while that might seem a bit dramatic, is it really?

Is it dramatic to think that our incessant and obsessive over-thinking and constant attention to managing our vibration because we feel like if we have a bad day, the Universe is going to punish us with more bad days is self-abuse?

We have evolved from human beings with massive egos that we have been completely blind to….

into human being with massive spiritual egos that want to still control every single detail of our human lives.

It’s time that we shift into being the spiritual beings that we are, having a human experience, and integrating the ego as a witness to life instead of a controller of circumstances.

As you transcend the world of form, surrendering your need to make anything happen your way before you decide to bring your A game to life,

life begins to open up in ways your ego mind could never even design for you.

The vision boards and ideas that your mind has created are extremely limited to only what it has seen before.

It only knows the pictures it has seen, the experiences it has witnessed (either in your life or the life of others), and creates wants and needs based on fear of loss/missing out, limitation, and separation.

So when you manifest a life you think you want from that standpoint, you are manifesting from a place of fear of loss/missing out, limitation, and separation.

The result?  Well…you tell me!  How is that working out for you?

If it was working out so wonderfully, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.  You would be busy pasting magazine pictures to a poster board and visualizing the perfect vacation you really want to go on!

Manifesting a car or a rug or a big screen TV can be manifested by a vision board, but what about your life?

Is that how you want to live?  In constant struggle on what to get so that you can feel good?

And then constant self-criticism on how well you’re doing as a manifestor?

Your job was never to create reality.  It was to partner with the power of the Universe and harness the power of All That Is by allowing It to direct your play.

There are just things you can’t know from where you stand.

There are just experiences you have no idea exists that God knows is going to blow your mind….and you’re so obsessed with having things YOUR way that you miss the opportunity for something way better.

You try and force timing because you want it NOW, but God knows that waiting just a little bit is what you really want.  He is preparing you, paving your path, and molding and shaping your character as you go.

And when you arrive to the destination of your desire, you arrive as a deeper person with stronger spiritual muscles and authentic happiness in your heart.

And you will only realize then, and no sooner, that if things had worked out your way, you would not be the person who could hold the space to keep what you received.  And your manifestation will be fleeting, leaving you with a feeling of emptiness and increased levels of fear.

You would’ve missed the opportunity for growth, expansion, and awakening.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who can hold that space for the abundance that you wanted without any fear of losing it.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who can wake up in the morning and no matter what events are unfolding, she is capable of saying (and actually feeling it) “Thank you”.

You would’ve missed the opportunity to BECOME the person who radiates joy, inner peace, contentment, and bliss.

Your ego tries to convince you that you can either have it your way, or God’s way.  But not both.  Your ego tries to convince you that the spiritual path is the path of sacrifice and settling.  Your ego tries to convince you that if you surrender your life to God that He might have a different plan and it requires you living less than what you want.

But there will come a day when your heart breaks open and you realize that the only way to get your way is to let God run the show.

God is like the most caring parent there is, who wants nothing but joyful expansion for His child.  He knows what your capable of more than you will ever know, he knows what is available to you when you surrender more than you will ever experience, OH!  and He is the Source of all your infinite goodness.  Infinite.  Goodness.

He gets the whole picture….He sees things beyond your vision.  He knows what will make you the happiest, and is giving it to you now.

There is no sacrifice in walking the spiritual path.

The spiritual path is the path of liberation.

The spiritual path is the path of freedom.

There is nothing being withheld from you.  It is only your obsession and neediness that prevents you from seeing it.

God is standing with His hands open wide, asking you to Trust Him, walk with Him, allow His Spirit to work through you, and promising that you will have a life that is beyond your wildest imagining.

Will you take His hand?

P.S.  You are the physical extension of God.  So taking His hand is pretty easy.  It’s just your ego that thinks it’s hard.



What do you do when fear takes over?

Are you allowing it to guide your decisions, your choices, and therefore shape your future reality?

What reality are you creating for yourself by submitting to fear and allowing it to win at it’s game?  Fear’s goal is to keep you from discovering the Truth about yourself.  The Truth that you are an infinite being with infinite talent and infinite ability to create anything from nothing at all.  So what will it be?

I get it.  Fear feels real!  It creates a story that is damn believable and has all the evidence it needs to prove it’s right.

Just like any egoic, constricted way of thinking, fear has a very convincing way of making you believe that constriction, pulling back, holding off, shrinking down, playing small is the “safe” way to go.

And yes, it feels good in the moment when you back off because it creates relief from the fear of what might happen.  But the next day (or the next hour) you’re going to feel the fear hangover, because your Soul is yearning for more.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to your desires, regardless of how massive they may seem to you.  Because She knows that all things are possible.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to abundance, because She knows that it’s already within you, ready to be expressed to the world.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you expressing yourself in your own unique way, because She knows that THIS IS WHY YOU WERE BORN!

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you discovering your gifts, and talents.  Because She knows that you are infinitely talented and gifted.

Your Soul is saying “Yes!” to you stepping into….expanding into….your Higher Self, because She knows this is who you really are!

And oh, when you realize it for yourself!….When you realize the power, the beauty that you hold. When you wake up to the magnitude of possibility that you have within you, and begin to even get a small, teeny, tiny taste of it, you’ll keep coming back for more.

You’ll welcome the fear, because you know what’s on the other side.  You’ll easily reclaim that energy and use it for your desired creation.  You’ll begin breaking through barriers, dominating the obstacles, rocking reality like you know (even now deep down) you can.

Fear is normal.  It’s ok.  It’s alright when it shows up.  It actually contains a TON of energy that can be transmuted into creative energy, so don’t resist it!  Embrace it.  Welcome it.  Love it.  Yes, love it.

It is showing you were you’re holding yourself back, where you’re limiting yourself.  So, “thank you fear!”

“Thank you for showing me where I’m holding myself back.  Thank you for showing me the stories that I’ve created that cut me off from my unlimited Source power!  Thank you for presenting me with an option to stay small, but I’m going to choose to expand….thank you very much!”

Now choose a thought that is centered in your heart.  Choose to allow your heart to do the talking.  Ask your Soul what is true right now.  You WILL get an answer.  She is always speaking to you.  And the answer always feels good.

The answer is love, expansiveness, solutions, possibility, creation, love, LOVE, LOVE.  THAT is the answer.

Dismantling the fear wall is simpler, easier than it seems.  Because you are a master.  You are a master creator and NOW is the time that you wake up to remember this Truth.  Masters like you dissolve that layer of fear simply by looking at it and calling it out.  Recognizing that all the things that you fear are illusions.  There is nothing outside of you that can harm you, limit you, cut you off, or make you lose.  All that you’ll ever need is within you.

Abundance.  Wisdom.  Brilliance.  Safety.  Ease.  Love.  Flow.  Prosperity.  Joy.  Luxury.

It is all a state of consciousness….

It is ALL spiritual.  Invisible.

As soon as you acknowledge the fear, and then step into the Reality that you already have all you need, you already ARE the complete package,

that fear dissolves.

Will it come back.  Probably.  Most likely, yes.  But you now know what to do with it.  You just love it…..accept it…..feel it…..and then bring it back to love.

Where there is love, fear cannot exist.

Love is not the opposite of fear.  Fear is the absence of love.  Return to love and you will be free.

What could you create from this heart space as a limitless being?

Before Power, You Must Love

If you are seeking more of your divine power, there’s something you have to do before it will be revealed to you.

Seeking that power, that knowing, that deeper connection with who you really are….I had been making that my prayer for months.  The notes in my journal are proof: “Let me wake up to who I really am.  Guide me to fully embracing my power.  Let me express my gifts in the limitless way that You intended me to.”

Page after page, day after day.  I would get glimpses of this power but just as soon as she peeked her head in, she would disappear.  I couldn’t imagine why, but I thought it had something to do with fear.

Tonight I had a very enlightening wake up call where I realized that before being handed access to my power on the next level, I had to first learn how to love myself more.

Before power, love.

Before power, forgiveness (mostly to myself)

Before power, letting go.

I recognized all the places where I was still holding onto perfectionism, self-criticism, regret, comparison, unworthiness, and shame.

I allowed my soul to gently guide me to the places that I had neglected to release completely.

And I let them go.

I forgave.

I forgave myself.  I loved myself.  I accepted myself in this raw and real moment just as I was.

I thought that I would feel broken as all of these pieces of me started to display themselves.  I would imagine that, as I hold a magnifying glass to the emotions, memories, beliefs, and thoughts that I tried to pretend were no longer present in my mind, that I would hate myself.

But there was nothing there but love and compassion.

I had a glimpse of how God sees all of His children.  We blame ourselves, critique every single past “mistake”, tell ourselves every reason why we don’t measure up, but the whole entire time, God is just loving and accepting us, seeing none of that.

And it’s blatantly obvious to me now, as I sit here in this loving energy that has no motive and no agenda,

the reason I struggled to access my power is because I was hiding out from love and forgiveness.

The desire for power was distracting me from healing a broken heart.

The more whole I feel, the less this power is something I seek.

It just is.

I don’t NEED to figure out where my power is and how to access it.

It’s here.

Inside of me.

And it’s not something I need to display, as if it makes me look authoritative, smart, or successful.

My power is with me, IS me, and reveals itself without any effort or seeking as the remaining illusions of imperfection fall away.



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