by admin | Jan 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
Just as I think I have it nailed. I tell my friend, “I can’t believe it took me so long to really get it. But now, I get it. It all makes sense. Nothing matters except that I’m connected to God. And when I’m available to that Spirit, everything feels good, it flows, I see through the lens of possibility!”
In that moment, as I was speaking with her, I ignorantly but truly believed that I had arrived. Now that I knew what it was like to be in that energy, there was no way I was going back. The high was too addicting.
I can feel it again as I type this and it excites me. There is no denying that aligning with the power of the Universe is the most important action you can take. If there is just one thing to do today, or any day, it is align with the thoughts of God.
Just don’t beat up on yourself when one day you wake up and it’s….well….gone? No, not gone. You know it’s not gone. It’s there. It’s always there and available. But you can’t find it.
After that conversation with my friend, the next day that’s just what happened. I felt like my high had worn off and I wanted another hit but I just couldn’t find it. I never expected it to be gone. I thought that once I had discovered it, it was mine forever. I did the work. I had gotten there before. But it wasn’t working!!
I started to go down the checklist of all the “things”. I coached myself the way I would coach my best client. “Tap into the feeling!” Nope. “Change your thoughts”. Nope. Struggle. Grasp! Claw!
I knew that I had to give up the struggle. But if I just gave up the struggle, it felt like I was giving up. Doesn’t it mean I don’t care?
Remember that girl that you felt so bad for in high school who was so obsessed with that boy? And she was ALWAYS around and hanging on him and if only she would just give him some air to breathe maybe he would like her? But she comes off as desperate and clingy, which is a total turn off.
Get it? That was me. Obsessed and clingy.
Now, of course it’s not like I was turning God off. God wants me always even more than I want that connection. But the energy of neediness sends the message that I’m not allowing the flow of God in the present moment. Which becomes my experience.
So my message to you today is that there will be times when you feel tuned in and there will be times when you want desperately to be but aren’t. Give yourself a break when you aren’t. Stop struggling, striving, trying. Just relax and know that it IS there. Laugh. Walk. Take a breath. Release.
And when you least expect it, you’ll return to that loving energy that is always giving, always abundant, and always available.
by admin | Jan 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
You think that this world is so real. Looking around, touching, hearing, tasting. Our senses tell you that this is IT! And you react to what you observe about this world and about yourself.
I like that. I don’t like that. I really don’t like that. I can’t have that because I don’t have this. If I don’t see it, I won’t believe it. If that hasn’t happened yet, it means that something is wrong with me or I can’t do it.
You react to your observations with thoughts and eventually beliefs about how the world operates for you. And it feels like the truth. Again, because it’s what you see! Denying the physical world seems crazy because there is so much proof that you’re right!!
But this world is pliable, shape-able, change-able.
And it all comes down to the beginning of this post. You think that this world is so real. But the physical world is an illusion. It is a creation of your mind, shaped by your thoughts and beliefs.
You were never given the manual that told you of this power. You most likely weren’t taught how to believe in order to shape your world and life into perfection.
So you never realized that the thoughts came first, and then the physical manifestation. The observation, the focus- that came first. And your experience shaped and shifted to reflect those thoughts.
This could feel liberating or it could feel terrifying. But since you now know that your thoughts have creative power, let’s choose liberation, yes?
Once I discovered this incredible concept, I started to really watch my thoughts and try to figure out what I was thinking and believing in order to understand what I had created. I was on a mission to eradicate the blocks that held me back from success. I wanted to get rid of the feelings that were guiding me down a path I didn’t want to go. I would spend hours releasing the emotional ties I had to limiting beliefs.
I got really discouraged after all the work that I did to come to the realization that not much had changed. I was very aware of my blocks and where they came from. I was a master of Me 1.0.
What I wanted was to be Me 2.0. I wanted to believe that I could experience life in a new, exciting, unlimited way. So many others had testimonies of these huge breakthroughs and had experienced miracles and had all this evidence that our thoughts are changeable and the life really can be whatever you want it to be.
Going back to choosing liberation, the end of my story is this. I finally just made a choice. Instead of trying to understand the details of my limiting beliefs, I just decided to CHOOSE what I wanted to believe. I decided that, if I truly believed that there is a spiritual power beyond the physical, and that there are energetic laws that I can tune into to allow that spiritual power to create on my behalf (yes, and yes), then I would just choose what I wanted to put out there.
No more focusing on trying to uncover what’s holding me back. Now, I get to spend time aligning with what I want. I just step into who I choose to be. And when there is physical evidence that seems to prove the opposite to be true, I simply laugh and lightheartedly remember that that was Lainna 1.0. Lainna 2.0 is going to choose something else now. And then I do.
So who is You 2.0? What do you choose to experience from here until the rest of your life? What are your deepest desires that you never thought could come true? If they are within you, they are there for a reason. And the reason isn’t to tease you and keep you at arms length of your dreams. They are there so that you can fulfill them, realize them, experience them.
So take some time each morning and ask yourself what you choose to believe today! Today I choose to live in joy. Today I choose to be open to miracles. Today I choose to tune into my higher self and ask her what she wants. I then choose to be in alignment with that something. I choose to be guided and create my life from a place of power. I choose to be clear on my purpose. I choose to revel and roll around in the unlimited abundance that is surrounding me. I choose to remember that I can have anything I want. I choose to feel excited about what I now have, and I choose to feel content with this present moment because I created it. I choose to feel empowered that I know this now and I choose to also feel really excited about what is yet to come!
What do you choose?
by admin | Jan 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Flow. This flow I keep asking for more of. How did I do without it before I knew? It feels so good, so right.
So clear.
I want to blog about it. I want everyone to be able to experience this. This feeling, this clarity, this connection….it’s available to you, to me, to everyone, always! I now realize that it has always been calling me. Pouring out the unlimited energy of all that flow brings. Like peace. Love. Acceptance. Abundance. Magnificence. Yes, magnificence is a thing. It’s a feeling. Yet none of these words come close to the experience of just being there.
Flow is a feeling that must be experienced in the present moment. As soon as you jump out of NOW into a past thought or future worry, it is gone. Well, not gone. But unavailable. I guess it’s more that you stop tuning into the power of the Universe.
Sometimes I resist this flow. Not purposely, not intently, but I do. My ego tries (and successfully I might add) to convince me that this flow is child’s play. It’s fine when there’s nothing important to do, but when the big job comes along, please God, turn it over to me. I’ve got it from here.
I resist this flow because I naively forget that I have such a limited view of my life. I can only see what’s right in front of me. I’m limited to what my 5 senses tell me is going on. When I’m in control, there is plenty to fear. The world can be a scary place and my dreams feel so fragile and maybe even impossible. What if I fail? What if I try and I put myself out there and I actually believe in myself for once and people see me and I’m not good enough?
For fucks sake, I better not even try! So many people try and fail and it’s risky and competitive and so many others are doing it waaaaaay better than me. Hmmmm….I’ll just do something else that feels a little safer. Something that doesn’t leave me vulnerable.
My mind gets totally carried away like that. And then I stop. I remember that I have deep, deep desires that tug at my heart and scream to be heard. I feel disconnected and sad being safe. No, being safe most definitely can’t be where I am supposed to be. Otherwise I wouldn’t keep looking back at how much time I’ve let go and stayed safe with regret. I’d be happy about it.
I begin to pray. God, please reconnect me with you. Remind me of who I really am. Who I am when I am completely in flow. Remind me of what life is like when You are looking through my eyes. Remind me of how free I feel. Give me a taste of that creativity and clarity and carefreeness that only You can provide.
I make the choice in that moment that I’m going to release my way of thinking for a higher way of knowing. I surrender my fears and accept that this vast Universe knows everything, sees everything, knows MY desires, knows how to provide for me my every desire, and actually wants to see me live in that place of unlimited abundance.
I can see now that the fear started because I don’t want to feel vulnerable. Giving my biggest passions away leaves me so open and unarmored. I could get hurt. There’s that fear again.
I am reminded, as I tap back into that flow, I am so loved, so taken care of. If only I would let go more often I could catch a glimpse of what God has in store for me. There is nothing to fear. Along with the desire comes all the resources I need in order to see it through.
I want you to see this too. I wish I could plant the feeling inside of you so that you really know what I mean. But the only way to really “get it” is to experience it for yourself. My words, no matter how many I type here, no matter how I say it, they cannot even come close to how it feels.
You want it to. Have you been there? Are you there often? I think we have gotten lost so that we feel the sweetness of being found. It makes the struggle worth it. But the struggle is still unnecessary.
Interesting thought. The struggle makes the liberation of connection so amazing. So it’s worth it. So could we be grateful for the struggle? Can we be grateful IN the struggle, as we experience the fear?
It must be all good, right? When we dip into the illusion of struggle, we know that the return to love will be such a release. And then the moments, however long, that we are “there”…in that amazing warmth of perfection, of course we can celebrate that as well.
Life really is sweet, isn’t it?
by admin | Jan 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
I have Britney Spears song in my head right now! It totally pumps me up when I’m working out!
Ok, that’s not even the topic of this post though. But I thought it was fitting with the title!
I think most of us feel like we are beyond the basics of manifesting. You totally know and can recite the way that energy flows attention goes. Feeling good and visualizing are key factors in attaining your desires.
You have read the books and told all of your friends and you even post motivational quotes on Facebook just to make sure everyone knows that you’re spiritual and you “get it”. Maybe if you post enough of them, you’ll actually start to believe it deep down.
Yes, you have your doubts. Of course it feels like it could be real. It sounds exciting and other people seem to understand enough to get results. But as often as you listen to uplifting podcasts, read books about law of attraction, even pray and meditate, nothing really changes.
So you buy another book. Maybe that one will have the thing that will really make it happen. As you read it, you feel lit up just like you did before. Yes! Okay, this is it! This has to be it! This feels true, this feels good!
Months later, and you’re still single, broke, feel like shit, hate your boss, drive the beater.
Time for another book.
Sound familiar? Or was that just me?
I struggled for far too long like this. I read literally hundreds of amazing books. I attended several seminars and workshops that all taught me the same thing. I had no doubt that this reality could be mine. But I couldn’t understand why, after everything I knew and all the time I spent reading and learning, nothing shifted for me. Why me?! Why was everyone around me manifesting these lives that were brag-worthy and I would take more steps back than forward?
What I finally realized, after waaaaaaaay more time than was necessary, was that I, yes I, was the problem.
Well Duh! Now I see that. You probably could’ve told me that, right?
But until you see it for yourself, you’re blind to it.
So I’m passing my message on to you so that you don’t have to struggle waaaaaaay too long. You can change everything in your life just like that. **snapping fingers** Whatever isn’t working in your life can change almost overnight. And if it’s not, it is you, gorgeous soul, who needs to take a look within and discover where you can do a little work.
It isn’t enough to know this stuff. You could memorize every word on every page of every book. You could listen to Tony Robbins on repeat all day long. You could subscribe to every attraction-based podcast on this planet. But if you don’t apply what you learn and make it real in your life, good luck with everything but you’ll still stay as miserable and unhappy as you were before you started.
And actually even more miserable because now you actually KNOW what life is supposed to be like, and you still don’t have it.
How do I know if you’re miserable and unhappy? Well…..are you?
I know you are because you’re searching for a way to feel better. You’re sincerely craving more from life and desperate to finally see some sort of proof to hold onto so that things will become easier to believe in. That struggle hurts a bit.
So back to passing my message on to you. Here it is. You have to do the work, bitch! I love you with all my heart and I say it with so much love. You have to make it your sole priority daily to feel good. You have to stop looking at what doesn’t make you happy. You have to ignore your bank account if you want more than it now has. You have to feel complete and whole even if he hasn’t asked you out on a date yet. You have to start speaking in a way that supports your goals, your vision, your desires. You have to be thankful for what you have and content where you are as you totally expect everything you want to show up. You have to practice detachment and constantly watch and work on your vibration.
Especially in the beginning, it does feel like work. There are so many thoughts to watch! So many people driving you bat shit crazy! So many people to vent to your BFF about. It’s almost like a diet. You binge eat the weekend before you start your healthy eating. It’s just an excuse to do something that is out of alignment with your desires.
But honestly, YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT. You can have a life that is holy, happy, and hella rich! It’s all yours for the taking!! You have so much waiting for you that there’s no way you could even experience all the brilliance in this one lifetime. It would blow your mind if you knew what was waiting for you.
And you are so determined to focus on what you don’t want. You’re so damn determined to be right! Have you ever stopped to think that the life of your dreams is on the line? Do you really want to hold yourself back because you have a story to tell?
Think about that for a moment. Your lazy way of thinking and lack of dedication to making sure you stay connected to God, your Source of abundance, the giver of everything…Is it worth it? Is the trade off really worth it?
Because if you truly believe that you can have it all (and I believe you believe!) then why the hell wouldn’t you begin first thing in the morning and become ruthless until you go to sleep and commit, commit, commit! Remove yourself from negative conversations, replace the thoughts that don’t feel good, stay in gratitude.
Don’t even look at the things you can see as evidence of things working or not. As soon as you place your attention on what hasn’t shown up yet, you take yourself out of that creative vibration. Just stay firmly planted in the spiritual vibration and know that it’s already yours.
It doesn’t have to take you years like it did me. It can happen now! I hope it happens for you now! I know that it’s possible. Stay the course and see it though.
You know the funniest thing about it? It’s really only a commitment to be happy. And that’s all you really want anyway!
You can do it! I’m cheering you on and believing in you.
Now get to work!
by admin | Jan 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
You’ve heard about law of attraction so much that the word almost makes you roll your eyes. The Secret? Puuleeeeeeez!!!! Manifesting? Of COURSE it’s possible. Of COURSE these laws are Truth. Of COURSE it happens daily. Of COURSE miracles are unfolding. Of COURSE you can have what you want. Everyone, that is, except….well….are YOU experiencing all that you believe is possible?
As I first started learning about the laws of the Universe about 10 years ago now, I instantly knew that there was so much truth in what was being spoken. I immersed myself in books, teachers, videos….everything and anything that I could get my hot hands on. I devoured the material, staying up all night trying to digest what I was learning. I would light up and feel energy that I couldn’t deny. The excitement of possibilities immediately shifted my perspective.
I started my list, my vision board, the practice of visualizing, meditating, affirming, praying….begging….wondering….waiting…..doubting…looking for evidence of this shit working in my life….but no. Nothing. Nothing lasting at least. Actually, I had a short time where I accumulated a lot more stuff, but it vanished quickly and left me painfully with less than I started with.
What the fuck Universe? I thought you had my back? I thought you said I could manifest like a motherfucker? I thought you said I could have anything I want!? Where is my stuff??? I’ve read the books, I’ve done the steps, I’m looking high and low and all I see is a damn mess.
Hold the fucking phone. **breaks screeching**
I know I’m not alone here. I know that a HUGE portion of people who start to learn about their manifesting power and ability to live a life they only now dream about don’t actually ever see it to fruition. That sucks. It sucks even more because you know that it’s possible, you really believe and know that it is. If you didn’t know and believe so deeply, it wouldn’t be so painful to not get it. You could just write it off to “people like me don’t get rich.” Or, “Well, I never went to college, so maybe I’ll have what I want in another life!” Or, “God must not want me to be rich.” Bullshit. There is no person on this planet who the law of attraction doesn’t work for. It works now and it works all the time. If you aren’t getting what you want, it’s because you are out of alignment with these laws so you aren’t experiencing the magic that life has to offer.
So I’m here to tell you why that happens, and how YOU can be one of the few amazing superhumans who actually make this shit stick.
Before I go into the biggest blocks to getting what you desire, please do yourself a favor. Don’t read over the words quickly and roll your eyes and say you already know this. If you know it, but don’t apply it to you life, you don’t really know it. When my world crumbled, I started looking for advanced techniques and crazy methods beyond the simple steps I already learned because I thought I needed something different. I didn’t need anything different and neither do you. You just need to do. the. fucking. work. Don’t just read this blog post, get inspired, and then go back to thinking your life sucks. Don’t read the book and then think to yourself it will be so nice when you have everything you want. Don’t do it. Apply what you learn to your life. Watch you mind, listen to your thoughts. And then no matter what, change. You have to change your thoughts, feelings, vibration if you want to see the world around you change. You can’t just “Hey, just this once let me tell you about this bitch that cut me off in traffic and then I’ll go back to being positive so that I can have what I want.”
You can’t just, “I know I should be happy but I can’t stand my fucking job and there’s no possible way I can be happy until I’m out of it so please Universe bring me a better job so that I can start thinking happy thoughts!”
You can’t just, “I feel so lonely and I want so bad to be with someone and I have so much to give! I know I’m worth it God so where the hell is my man?!”
Apply what you know. Everyone has shit going on to some degree. That’s life. Do the work anyway.
Once you start to really watch your thoughts and feelings, and even more important notice who you’re BEING, here are 2 blocks that stand in the way of any good-meaning manifestor.
- You are worried about how things will show up
Our human brain tries to figure things out as soon as we think of the desire as ours. Remind yourself that “how” isn’t your job. From your perspective, things may seem impossible. So turn that over to the Universe and realize that there are a million different ways that it can happen and God knows all of them. He also knows the absolute best way to bring it to you.
- You are not completely detached
When you attach your happiness to the attainment of a desire, you hold yourself back from receiving joy in the present moment. The only reason you want what you want is because you feel like once you have it you will feel happy, at ease, relaxed, abundant, or whatever the feeling is. But it is the feeling that brings about the thing. So make the decision that you are so excited about what you are manifesting AND you are just as happy right now in this moment.
These are by far the 2 biggest blocks that I see again and again. Not only in the lives of others, but also myself. If something I desire hasn’t manifested yet, I can most always link it back to one of both of these reasons.
So take an honest inventory of your blocks. Let me know in the comments below, which one (or maybe both?) do you want to own? Releasing how it’s going to happen? Surrendering the outcome and being happy now? Tell me! And get to work on being happy now! Is that really too much to ask?
by admin | Jan 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
The feeling of being totally connected and guided and in flow is amazing. Almost indescribable. You can really only know by experience, and once you tap into it, it’s impossible to not want it all the time. Do you know what I mean? Have you been there? Have you felt it? Do you stay there often?
If so, you know that it hurts like hell to be disconnected. A feeling that might go unnoticed by the average person is palpable and uncomfortable and impossible to stay with. A panic sets in as if you might not ever find that peace and comfort again.
Of course that panic is the ego, and that peaceful connectedness is your natural space. You know that. But it’s hard to remember when you’re stuck in judgement, anger, comparison, or even the emotions that are less intense but uncomfortable nonetheless, like uncertainty.
And of course you’ll return to it because how can you not? Once you get a taste you’ll always want more. And there will come a time when you stay there mostly. But let’s face it, we are human! So living in bliss won’t be your 24-7-365 experience.
Let bliss be your goal. Be there as often as you can. And when you don’t feel connected, there are some things you can do to get back there a helluva lot faster. You just need to train yourself instead of letting your mind runaway.
When I’m feeling ugh! disconnected, grumpy, judgmental, unhappy, unsatisfied in anyway, I have a process that quickly helps me detach from my ego thoughts and return to my natural state of being one with God.
- First, I realize that when I’m feeling out of sync, it’s because my thoughts are not in alignment with Truth. So look at your thoughts and analyze what you’re thinking. If it doesn’t feel good, then God is thinking the opposite. Here’s an example, when you’re feeling annoyed with someone, God is loving them. When you don’t think you can achieve something, God is believing in you. When you’re feeling frustrated, God is patient and certain it will happen. And since what God knows is the Truth, you can immediately feel better knowing that your mind is just misinformed.
- Next, choose a thought that feels better. Most often you won’t be able to go from frustration all the way back to bliss immediately. So just soften the feeling a little bit. Tell yourself that you’re ok. Everything is working out for you. There’s nothing you have to do right now. You can relax. Just a general thought that feels a little better. That relief will open your heart to even better feelings that will eventually (and not too long) bring you back to wholeness.
- When you notice you’re back into that blissful or content space, notice it and bask in that moment and praise it! Acknowledging when you’re vibing with God will keep you there significantly longer, which in turn brings more opportunity to stay there!
- There will inevitably come a time when you drop back down again. When you panic, you just make things worse. Take this time as an opportunity to retrain your mind, notice your thoughts, and be thankful that you get fine tune your vibration. You’ll immediately start feeling better! And you’ll also begin to unravel beliefs that aren’t serving you, which is awesome! Since you’re now aware of those untrue beliefs, you can reframe them into beliefs that ring true with your Source. So really, it’s ALL good!
Learning about your beliefs and training your vibration is undeniably a fun process and arguably one of the most important ways to spend your time. Life will mirror back to you the thoughts you’re thinking, beliefs you have, and ultimately the vibration you’re putting out into the Universe. So what do you want to experience? Fine tune your vibration and there is no limit to what you get to experience.
How much magnificence can you handle? Step by step work towards reconnecting with the Universe, with God, with your Source. There is so much more waiting for you. But more than anything, it just feels so fucking good!