Do You Want to Uplevel To Live a Larger Life?

My prayer has been “God, guide me!” for years.  Today I finally allowed it to happen.

I was remembering when I first started journaling consistently maybe 2 years ago, when I was really struggling to feel confident about what I had to say to the world.  As a new coach, I wanted to show up for my audience in a way that was inspiring, captivating, and transformative.  The only way I could really speak from a place of power and inspiration was to allow God to speak through me.

And I knew that.

So I prayed.  Daily.  “God, use me!  Be the words on my lips, the thoughts in my mind.  I want to be guided to share whatever wants to come through me.”

And then I would seek a passage from a book, or watch an inspiring video for the inspiration I thought would be perfect for the day.

And every day I would kind of secretly struggle a little bit.  I wouldn’t love the message that I spoke.  I would end a video and feel discouraged, untalented….constantly comparing myself to others who seemed to speak better than I did, who always seemed to know exactly what to say, who spoke from their hearts.

It’s not like I didn’t know enough.  I had studied hours a day for years at this point.  But why didn’t the teaching feel natural yet?

I even wrote to my business coach how I felt like I just didn’t have the skills/talent to put the information that was in my head out into the world in a way that was unique, different, and “ME”.

Yet every day I would still pray that God guide me.

I finally realized that I could pray every day as hard as I could but if I DIDN’T GET OUT OF THE WAY, I would never experience His guidance.  Not because it wasn’t available. But because I wasn’t allowing it.

It was if I wanted to be a channel for God, but had to control what came through.  Uh…nope.  Sorry.  That doesn’t work.  I can either cut my power off and control, or I can become an unlimited vessel in complete surrender.

If you choose control, you can have it.  But you have to realize that things aren’t gonna turn out so great.  You’ll be cutting yourself off from your life force energy.  It’s like driving a car and deciding to blindfold yourself to see how good you can do without vision.

In any moment, you can choose guidance.  And when you do that, and truly ALLOW that guidance by getting out of the way, you make yourself available to the resources that are only available through God.  Power, abundance, creativity, guidance, brilliance, peace, flow, joy.  To me, it’s a no-brainer.

But even thought it’s a no-brainer, it doesn’t mean that it’s super easy to do.  Your smaller self is going to fight it.  You’ve been doing things a certain way for a lifetime and now you’re trying to shake things up.

So go easy on yourself and don’t expect everything to change in a day.  Love yourself through the transition and when you get caught up in trying to control again, just laugh and release control in that moment.

Living from this place is so peaceful, yet your small self will crave the chaos for a while.  Not because it’s best for you, but because it’s familiar.

Celebrate the small successes.  Don’t take score unless it works in your favor.  You’ll notice that everything really does start to work better when you remove your small self from the driver’s seat and give God/Higher Self control.

What Does Having Money Have to Do With Spirituality?

Money and spirituality.  What do they have to do with each other?

Can you have God and have plenty of money too?

Can you have plenty of money and still have room for God?

These questions are almost ludicrous to me now, but there was a time when I felt guilty for wanting to be rich.  Somehow I learned that having a lot of money was selfish and wrong and if I didn’t need something, I shouldn’t just ask for it.

I learned that I had to work hard and suffer if I wanted a lot of money.  And eff hard work!  I didn’t want to work hard.  So I also never came across a ton of cash either.  Anytime I had plenty of money, I found myself miserable, working hard and hating my job.  Then I would quit the job and find myself with hardly any money.

None of this was necessary, of course.  But it became my experience simply because I believed that’s how it was.  And it was so true in my life that I never really questioned it.  I just observed and concluded.

True story, I even realized that my beliefs shaped my experience, but I still believed in my own story so much that I couldn’t get my mind to think any other way.

One of the most frustrating things I have ever experienced is knowing that I’m creating my reality, watching as I continue to trip myself up, KNOW THAT I’M THE ONE DOING IT, but feeling unable to stop the whole thing.  It’s like being in the middle of a nightmare, knowing that all you have to do is wake up to make it stop, but unable to wake up.

It feels like torture.  And I went through it for years.  Constantly seeking a new process that might finally help me to free myself from my mind.

Money was the biggest topic of frustration for me.  I wanted so badly to just have fun, make life one big epic adventure, be free to do and spend whatever I wanted to, and wake up excited to do whatever I was doing each day.

And I knew it was possible because there were people doing it all day every day.

When I asked God to help, I would ask like a beggar asks for change.  As if I was undeserving because of all the financial fuck-ups along the way.  I judged myself for racking up debt, spending more than I “should”, making poor buying decisions, or investing in something that didn’t end up getting the results I was expecting.  As if I was supposed to always get it right every time in order to keep my blessings flowing.

God could care less how much you spent yesterday.  He’s always available to give you more!

God also doesn’t really give a second thought to your purchasing decisions.  There’s no judgement about being frivolous or extravagant.  If that’s what lit you up in the moment, then it was meant to be!

If you hold your vibration in that high-flying state, you stay open to being available for a way to be made for all that you want.  But what most people do is get initially excited about what you want, but then start to worry that it won’t happen, judge if you’re worthy enough, wonder if it’s ok to ask for it, and then you’ve lowered your vibration and now you’re not in the place to receive.

Money is spiritual.  It’s a tool that has been given to you unlimited as a way to get what you want in this life here on earth.  And while it’s not the only way for you to get what you want, it’s a very convenient way, especially when there’s more than enough!

And there always is!

No matter how long you’ve been struggling with the mindset that money is scarce, you’re not worthy, you can’t have what you want, or whatever bullshit you’ve been telling yourself….

You can just make the decision right here and now that you won’t be believing that anymore.

You can correct that vibration in an instant and choose a different experience starting now.  It doesn’t have to take a long time.

You aren’t far away on a path to home.  You’re already home.  You’re here.  Your prosperity is being given to you right now in this  moment.  As you read these words there is more than enough available for you.  There’s no mantra you have to say to cash in, there’s no process you have to do to release it.  You just have to align with the vibration of prosperity.  That’s all.  And it really is more easy than you think.

It involves letting go instead of trying.

It involves knowing that it’s already done instead of wondering when it will happen.

It involves knowing your worthiness has never, ever been in question.

It involves knowing that it never will be.

It involves only taking score when it’s in your favor.

It involves knowing that the score IS always in your favor.

You’re not at this alone.

You’re divinely guided.

Your Higher Self knows what you want, wants it for you, and knows exactly how to get it for you.

Yes, even that.

and that too.

It’s yours.

So just relax.


There’s nothing for you to do.

Just listen and obey.  Follow the directions that are given to you and life will be one unfolding miracle after another.



Wealth Is An Inside Job

If you’ve been praying, on your knees, asking God to deliver you…

Requesting a miracle so that you can be free….

You’ve got to know, and remember always, that the miracle has already happened.  You are free in this moment.  You have been delivered (and actually, you never were in any trouble in the first place).

But if you’re waiting for more money to show up, or to sign more clients, or to get a better job, or whatever that thing is that you’ve been waiting for, you’re looking at the result of your past thinking, expecting the picture to change.

And it never will.

Wealth is an inside job.  Abundance is spiritual.  And when and you don’t wait for evidence to show up by the way of more money before YOU show up as the person who already has enough, then you are allowing God to shower you with more more more.

But if you wait wait wait for more, you’ll be wait wait waiting for a long long time.

What’s holding you up from receiving?  Where are you waiting for things to change before you show up in a bigger and bolder way?  Guess what babe?  You’ve gotta show up as that person NOW!

This is exactly what hitches so many people up!  The fear of running out of money and the belief that you can’t afford it and don’t have enough is so powerful and you allow it to be more powerful than the Truth of God’s promises.  Is that how you want to continue?  Do you really want to run the show when you don’t know shit?  When you have a fraction of a percent of an idea of what’s going on, but the Source that is within you KNOWS e v e r y t h i n g including what you want, how to get it to you, and the fastest way to deliver it?

God gives you freewill.  Either you can tap into the everlasting stream of abundance or you don’t have to.  You can stay broke and waiting for more money or you can reclaim your birthright right now.  It’s a choice.

It really is a choice.

You don’t have to believe me, but if you don’t, you remain a victim to your circumstances and that’s no place anyone wants to end up.  You have the power of the Universe coursing through your blood and fueling your body at all times.  That same infinite power is available to provide you with all the material resources you want and need in this lifetime.  The energy is available for you to use however you choose.

The issue here is that often you unconsciously choose to use it to miscreate.  You use the energy to focus on fear and not having.  So that’s what that energy creates for you.  You could just as easily choose differently now, make a decision that you want to use that creative energy to tap into the stream of wealth that is available.

What does turning this around look like?

It looks like making choices based on the person you have decided to be.  It means thinking thoughts from the person you have decided to be.  It means taking actions based on the person you have decided to be….

all while owning the energy of the person who you have decided to be.

It looks like becoming consciously aware of how you’re showing up and making the decision to do what might feel uncomfortable because you’re expanding into the wisdom of your Soul.

It looks like changing your thoughts down to the minute if you have to.

It looks like surrendering your entire life and all the results you get to God, staying faithful, TRUSTING that you are totally taken care of….

and then not waiting for the world to catch up.  But stepping into that life now and demanding that the world reflect back to you the transformation that has happened within you.

Because it will.

It can’t help but reflect back to you.

That’s what it does.

The work starts within.  The transformation is an inside job.

Rise up.  Elevate.  Shift.

And keep on keeping on.

Your life is supposed to rock on every level.  And it will when you show up as the fearless goddess you were born to be!


Just When You Thought You’ve Got This

Just when you think you’ve got this, everything is ok now, it’s all working out….
Something crazy happens.

Our minds want to convince us that we’re totally good now, we don’t need to stay rooted and grounded in Truth.  There’s no need now that everything is working out to meditate, pray, ask for God’s help.  Once things are working out, our prayers have been answered.  Now we can take over from here.

It makes me laugh.  At myself.  And shake my head.  Why do I forget?  When God’s in control of my life, and when I’m aware that He’s calling the shots, working miracles through me and for me, paving my path before I step, everything works out.  Everything flows.  The battle is won even before I knew there was a fight.  The struggle ends.

I sometimes forget that prayer, meditation, conversations with God, staying plugged in, is a daily thing.  Hourly thing.  Minutely thing.  It’s something that I need to do constantly.  Surrender.  Even the good.  Even when I’m successful.  Even after my prayers are answered.

And I know I’m not the only one.  The people that I work with too.  When they have a breakthrough, or a small success, they celebrate, get all excited, and then think that they have arrived.  They can take it from here.

And in my experience, it just doesn’t work that way.  We return back to our old way of thinking and doing things and then all the spiritual progress that we had made is forgotten.  And even worse, sometimes, it gets more painful than before because we think we had it!  We thought things were working out!!!  What the eff happened??

And when your ego gets a glimpse of control again, it will say all the right things to convince you that you’re a loser, you never really got it, God didn’t intervene on your behalf, it was just your imagination.

And you believe it.

You would never think this could happen.  Not when you’re high and happy and life is flowing.  When the money shows up and the clients come out of the blue and you really start rocking it in your business….how could you forget?

But you do.

If you’re not careful.

If you don’t stay plugged in.  If you don’t continue to push yourself to even higher levels of connection,





Your spiritual walk is a lifetime journey.  Prayer isn’t something you do when you need something.  Connection isn’t something you require only when you’re a hot mess.

It’s constant.  Always.

Write it on your calendar.  Make time.  First thing.  Don’t let distractions pull your attention away.  When life starts to get better and better, make that a reason to stay plugged in more.

You think that this is obvious.  You think you’ll stay rooted.  You love this blissed out feeling and the results that life presents to you.

But you will get distracted.  Time will slip away one day when you’re busy and you’ll think that you can just skip this one day.  And in that moment you give a little less energy to the flow of abundance that has been powering your life.  And all of a sudden, a little while later….maybe a day, maybe a week, business isn’t flowing like it was, work feels like work instead of play, stress rises.  And you wonder whatever went wrong.

Why not just stay open and available to God and His plan for your life.  I think we can both agree that God’s plan for your life is a damn good one.  Better than you could even ask for yourself.  Better than you could imagine.

I’m here to remind you in case you’re at a low point where money is tight, business is slow, stress is high, hand it to God.  It is already taken care of, it is done.

I’m here to remind you in case you’re at a high point where money is flowing and business is abundant and love is your vibe.  It is because of the Source within you.  That Source is expressing It’s infinite wealth and abundance through you.  Be forever grateful and recognize that it is God at work in your life.

I’m here to remind you in case you had a glimpse but now it’s slipping away.  Plug back in.  Return to Love.  Remember the Truth.  God/Love/Life is all there is.  All that you need is within you.  Go to that place and stay there for a while.

And come back often.

Because this is the space of allowing.  Alignment.



Everything Really Is Always Working Out For You

You know that saying, “Everything is always working out for me!”…
Do you believe that? Like, really, deeply?  Do you believe that everything, regardless of what it is, no matter what, really is happening for your good?  
Do you affirm it when life gets hard?  And do you believe it…even when and especially when life feels hard?
Or do you say it in hopes that everything that’s shitty starts to “correct” itself?
I really learned the meaning behind that affirmation when I hit rock bottom, sobbing to my husband how I felt like such a loser and a failure, afraid that I would never really become successful in my biz or make any money.
I had been working on my biz for several months.  I had invested several thousand dollars in coaching which felt like a stretch but I was confident when I made the investment that I would be making my money back quickly.  I had a few months where money was coming in (and easily too!), and then nothing.  For a long time.  I was maxing out credit cards quickly and got to the point where I had no idea how to make even the minimum payments.  I felt like I was in over my head and when a charge hit that I couldn’t pay, I broke down.
I ugly cried.
I contemplated for a hot second that maybe I wasn’t cut out for the life of an entrepreneur.  Maybe I should just get a….NO EFFING WAY.
The entire time all of this was happening, even though I felt completely broken, at the end of my rope, and hopeless about money, I KNEW the entire time that this was exactly what I needed.
That it was all happening for my good.
I realized that I was allowing myself to settle for mediocrity far too long. And had I not reached a level of complete desperation, I’m certain I would’ve still been fooling myself.
I also realized that I was counting on my biz to bring in the money which meant that I was taking action, making offers, and connecting with people FOR THE PURPOSE of selling. NOT for the sheer joy of it.
By seeing my biz as my source instead of God, I cut off all other channels of abundance that the Universe could’ve used to make sure I was taken care of. And my biz could’ve very easily been one, except that my motives were all wrong. And as a spiritual mentor, I was out of integrity. Which God won’t support.
And I got to thinking, as I remembered what it was like to watch myself experience such a tremendous and painful breakdown while feeling a level of calm excitement of it all…
I wonder if people really understand that things ARE really working out for them…always. Even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. Even then, God is looking out for you and working miracles on your behalf.
The ego has a conniving way of making you think you’re making progress, changing your mind, thinking better thoughts, but all the while you just aren’t really so committed to change that you do the work when it’s difficult.
You let yourself off the hook, you slide, you do the work when it’s easy and but when it’s hard you forget.
You might be uncomfortable, but you’re not desperate. So very little actually changes.
God wants to give you what you want. Even more than you want it for yourself!
But if you keep getting in the way, He won’t override your freewill. So He will let you fall flat on your face if that’s what it takes because He loves you that much and knows that when you hit the floor, you’ll have to get on your knees and turn to the one Source that was always available and ready to help.
I’d love to know what your intention is with that affirmation. Is it to change a situation, get rid of something, or add something that feels missing?
Or is it a statement to the Universe that you really do trust that no matter what, you really are supported and loved and everything Everything EVERYTHING is working out to help you?

If You Really Knew It Was All Possible, You Wouldn’t Be Settling Like You Are!

Why Are You Settling When You Know It’s All Possible?

Why are you allowing doubt to fill your marvelous mind when you know you’re all powerful?

Why do you let worry occupy your space when you know you’re always taken care of?

What purpose do you feel the fear you carry serves when everything always has been and always will be perfect?

Why are you acting like your struggle is ok, normal, regular, just something that you have to go through?

The instant that you set the intention for something you want to manifest, it is already available for you in vibrational form. And if you want to get technical, it’s available even before you ask. That’s how awesome God is.

Ask. Given. Done.

Remind yourself of this a million times if you have to. It will be time well spent. Because once you get over your self-imposed limitations, all of your desires will just flow in.

You are standing in your way. And it’s time you stop!

Because God is too good and life is too short and there are things to create and experience.

So do the work already. Be determined enough to do what it takes. Be faithful enough to let it all go. Be certain enough to ask in the first place.

Do you understand that you work is the inner work? You don’t have to worry about how, when, where from….

None of that is your concern.

You just choose from the infinite selection of options available…Yes! I’d like to have that…and that would be nice, with a side of this please and thank you!

And then you clear away the cobwebs that prevent you from experiencing those things until….well until you experience them!

Because once you clear the cobwebs, the physical manifestation has to come! It’s been here all along just waiting for you to tune in Oklahoma!

And of course you show up for life. Of course you’re not expecting things to just magically appear! Because where’s the fun in that?? You knew you wanted to be an active participant in your life.

So show up and do the thing….

But most importantly, check your vibe minutely if that’s what it takes to make sure that you’re alignment is on point.

This is where most people struggle and give up. They say it’s too hard or it doesn’t work or that THEY can’t do it.

And that breaks my heart to hear because it’s just not true. We’re all here right now as brothers and sisters of the Universe to have fun evolving spiritually as we play and create and mold our lives to what we want it to look like!

To choose, to create, to experience, to play!

What would you create if you lived life this way?

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